13. Mental Revelations

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McGonagall's POV

She sat there looking over the essays her third year students had written her. When suddenly her classroom door swung open and three members of the Gryffindor Quidditch team rushed into her class.

McGonagall looked up from the essays and went to scold her students but she instead yelled out in shock and disgust. "Wood! Your nose!"

In front of her were two chasers of the Gryffindor team: Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet. As well as the Keeper, Oliver Wood. Whose nose was bloodied, bruised and turned at an odd angle.

"What in Merlin's good name do you think you're doing here you three?!" McGonagall moved towards Oliver with her wand at the ready in order to reset his nose but as she pointed at his face, Wood spoke in a nasally, rushed voiced.

"It's (Y/N), he's gotten into a massive fight with the Slytherin team!"


The four of them rushed out to the pitch with McGonagall in front. Which meant she was the first to see the horror and carnage that took place in front of her.

The seven members of the Slytherin Quidditch team laid spread across the grass, bloodied and bruised. The culprit of this assault was (Y/N), who was currently laid on the ground struggling and bucking violently as Fred and George Weasley kneeled on top of him.

"GET OFF ME!" (Y/N) had a look of pure rage on his blood splattered face, however his eyes didn't carry that same rage. They were dead and unfazed with no emotion even as (Y/N) screamed at the top of his lungs. "THOSE PIECES OF SHIT NEED TO BE PUT IN THEIR PLACE!"

McGonagall stood completely shocked and horrified as she looked at (Y/N). Only once had she heard reports of a rampage he had in the library in his first year. In that moment, his face looked exactly as many Hufflepuff students had described it. 'He looked livid but...his eyes...they seemed, like dead.'

However McGonagall knew she had to take action and withdrew her wand as she made her way over to (Y/N) and the Weasley's. "Both of you release him!" Both of them looked to her in confusion but did as she said and let go of (Y/N) as they jumped back. As soon as (Y/N) was the only one who could have been affected, McGonagall cast a spell. "Petrificus Totalus!"


Dumbledore's POV

Dumbledore sat in his office in pure disbelief. He sat there mere moments ago in pure peace as he looked towards Fawkes. Then, Minerva entered the room screaming and shouting of a terrible fight.

Dumbledore went to calm he down but suddenly six students joined her from the staircase. Three of which were carrying a limp unconscious one, this student was (Y/N) (L/N).

Dumbledore demanded an explanation but soon another person joined Minerva in her shouts. Severus shouted of the same assault and how many Slytherins were seriously injured.

Dumbledore had the conscious, five Gryffindors explain what happened and he was in shock. He sent the Gryffindors away and instructed Severus to bind (Y/N) to his chair as he spoke. "Severus, check on your students. Send word to their parents at once."

Dumbledore looked back towards (Y/N) as he spoke but it didn't take long for Severus to respond. "I had already written to Malfoy's father. He will most likely be here soon."

"Thank you Severus. Both of you are to leave, Severus as I said check on your students. Minerva go check on yours, oh and inform both Mr Potter and Mr Weasley that they are to serve their detentions tonight. I think it's best to leave (Y/N) here and away from other students. I will ask for your return when I decide to awaken him."

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