3. Dinner with the Grangers

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Hermione's POV

"Mum! You did say eight o'clock didn't you? They're not here!"

Hermione's mother sighed and put her hand on Hermione's shoulder. "Calm down love, they're only a few minutes late. I'm sure they'll be here soon."

Hermione's mother left to go help her dad back in the kitchen and Hermione just kept looking out the window until she saw a massive man walk round the corner followed by a woman. They were (Y/N)'s mum and dad.

"They're here!"

Hermione waited for a knock at the door and after a knock came she waited a few moments before answering.

As she opened the door she was greeted by both (Y/N)'s mum and dad but no (Y/N). "Hello Hermione, it's so nice to see you again. That's a lovely dress, is blue your favourite colour?"

Hermione was wearing a blue dress that she loved dearly and wanted to talk about but she just nodded and asked where (Y/N) was.

"(Y/N)'s by the car, he said he needed to talk to someone or something."

Both of (Y/N)'s parents gave Hermione a hug and her mum and dad greeted them as they entered the house.

"I'm just going to see if (Y/N)'s alright."

She closed the door and began to walk down the drive. As she reached the end of the drive she turned her head to the direction where (Y/N)'s parents walked from and that's when she saw him.

(Y/N) was leaning against the side of the car, he had his head down and looked to be deep in thought. He was wearing jeans and a button up shirt but more importantly, as Hermione walked over to him and she noticed how tall (Y/N) had become. Even if he was leaning he looked like he had grown ten inches taller in the span of a few weeks, and he might have.

However Hermione didn't stop walking up to (Y/N) and she placed her hand on his shoulder. "You alright?"

(Y/N) was broken out of whatever trance he seemed to be in and let out a loud gasp. "Hermione it's you."

"Really? Didn't notice."

(Y/N) stopped leaning and he actually had grown about ten inches. He towered over Hermione and she had to crane her neck upwards to speak to him. That meant (Y/N) had to crane his neck downwards to speak to her.

They both smiled and shared a hug, Hermione was so small compared to him now that as they hugged (Y/N) could've rested his chin on her head. They both stood there for a few moments before (Y/N) spoke.

"It's been a while. How are you...'Mione."

Hermione broke the hug and let out a sigh.
"Oh you've got to be kidding me. We haven't seen each other for almost a month and that's the first thing you say."

"Technically the first thing I said was 'Hermione it's you'."

"Oh don't be a prat."

(Y/N) grinned that dopey grin and Hermione couldn't explain it but she suddenly got all hot and flustered. "You alright 'Mione? Your face is all red."

"Oh uhm I'm fine. We should go inside, our parents will be getting worried."

(Y/N) nodded in agreement and Hermione started to walk back to the house. "Oh wait, sorry!" Hermione turned back and saw (Y/N) had opened his car door and was leaning inside it.

Then he leaned out and she saw he was holding two bouquets of flowers. The first being a bouquets of azaleas and the second being a bouquet of roses.

"First ones for your mum, the second ones for you. Mum and dad bought some wine but I wanted to buy something more...personal is how I would put it. So I used my pocket money for these bouquets."

The Chamber of Secrets (Hermione Granger X Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now