16. A Chamber Opened

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(Y/N)'s POV

The four of them made their way through the passage full of the black candles and as they made their way towards the steps of the Entrance Hall. "Pudding might not be finished yet." said Ron in a hopeful tone.

"Christ, do you ever stop thinking about food mate?" (Y/N) got a soft arm punch from Ron and the four kept walking until Harry stumbled to a halt in front of (Y/N).

In order to not crash into Harry, (Y/N) jumped to the side but landed on his feet wrong and he fell to the floor on his butt. "Did you trip on your non-existent shoelaces or something Harry?" said (Y/N) in a sarcastic tone.

Hermione helped him up as Harry spoke. "It's that voice again."

(Y/N) scoffed. "Yeah my voice, why'd you st-"

"Shut up a minute."

"Well that's just ru-"

"(Y/N) shut up and listen!" Harry's words echoed throughout the stone corridor and (Y/N) was taken aback. However, he did what Harry said and he listened. He hear nothing but concentrated as hard as he could. He drowned out every other noise and concentrated on trying to hear something.

He heard nothing until he felt a wave of desire.
It was like a gnawing hunger in his gut and that's when he realised, that's what it was. (Y/N) had never felt so hungry in his entire life and he clutched his stomach.

Suddenly Harry stared to run up a staircase away from all the talk echoing from the Great Hall and (Y/N) sprinted after him without a second thought.

Both Hermione and Ron followed after him with bewildered looks on their faces and Ron kept trying to get an answer out of Harry. "Harry, what are we —"

"Ron do me a favour and shut up!" (Y/N)'s voice was full of anger that he didn't know if he really felt. He concentrated and could feel his brain straining until a noise echoed throughout his head. It sounded like it was speaking, but (Y/N) couldn't make out for the life of him what was being said. It felt like something was hissing into his ears and it echoed in his head.

However if there is one thing he knew, it was that nothing good was going to come out of this. Suddenly, the smell of blood filled the air. The gnawing hunger felt like it was leaving a hole in his stomach. (Y/N) knew what this meant and clearly Harry did as well because the both of them called out . "It's going to kill someone!"

(Y/N) and Harry hurtled around the entirety of the second floor, with Hermione and Ron panting behind them. The four of them finally stopped as they turned a corner into the last, deserted passage.

"You two mind telling us what that was all about?" Ron said as wiped the sweat off his face. "I couldn't hear anything." The only thing that could be heard from the corridor was the panting off the four until Hermione gave a sudden gasp.


Something on the wall up ahead shined brightly. They approached, slowly, squinting through the darkness. Foot-high words had been daubed on the wall between two windows, shimmering in the light cast by the flaming torches.


"What's that thing — hanging underneath?" said Ron, with a slight tremble in his voice.

As they edged nearer, Harry almost slipped over but (Y/N) managed to grab him by his shoulders and pull him back. They edged nearer the message, (Y/N) eyes were fixed upon the dark shadow beneath it. All four of them realised what it was at once. Hermione, Harry and Ron leapt back with a splash but (Y/N) stood there horrified.

The Chamber of Secrets (Hermione Granger X Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now