19. The Ingredients

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(Y/N)'s POV

After his disastrous display with Cornish pixies, Lockhart hadn't brought live creatures to class. Instead he read passages from his books to the class. It gave (Y/N) unnecessary migraines so he just propped whatever book Lockhart was reading in front of his face, and went to sleep.

He was occasionally startled awake because of Lockhart's insistence on acting out the more dramatic bits, and his constant selection on using Harry as his assistant. Harry had to act out characters such as: a Transylvanian villager who Lockhart had cured of a Babbling Curse, a yeti with a head-cold, and a vampire who had been unable to eat anything but lettuce since Lockhart had 'dealt with him'.

In today's lesson, Harry had been forced to act out a werewolf. So (Y/N) propped up Wandering with Werewolves and put his head on the desk.

However, he had begun to drift fully into sleep when something had scratched his cheek. (Y/N) opened his eyes and saw Hermione had her quill in her hand with a stern look. (Y/N) ran his hand across his cheek and looked at it to see if she had put ink on his face.

Hermione hadn't so he just put his head back down but just before he closed his eyes, he saw Hermione stretch her arms and bring her quill near his face. (Y/N) rose his head up before giving Hermione an annoyed look almost matching her stern expression.

"There a problem, Hermione?" (Y/N) said in a mocking tone. "Need some ink?"

"What do you think you're doing?" Hermione snapped at him, luckily in a whisper. "It's lesson after lesson you do this. Don't be disrespectful."

"You can't possibly think this is a good lesson?" (Y/N) snapped back, also in a whisper. "I thought when I left Muggle school, that I wouldn't have to sit through another drama lesson but here we are."

"What if we get a test on this?" Hermione began to raise her voice because of the high pitched, piteous moan that Harry had to do up front. "You're going to fail if you don't pay attention!"

"What was the name of Gilderoy Lockhart's first pet?" said (Y/N) with a scowl. "Ooh that's going to be such a hard question on his egotistical tests!"

Hermione gave him a glare and went to speak but (Y/N) spoke first. "Just because you're in looove~ with Lockhart. Honestly, I thought if there was one person in this school who'd have the brains to see this man is not who he says he is, it would be you!"

"Why are you concerned about who I'm in looove~ with?" Hermione said with a reddening face.

"Go snog, Ron for all I care," said (Y/N), finally giving up on this conversation. "If you seriously care about this class, then how about you pay attention for the both of us?"

(Y/N) put his head back on the desk but at that moment, the bell rung. He looked up to see Lockhart rise to his feet and begin to address the class. "Homework: compose a poem about my defeat if the Wagga Wagga werewolf! Signed copies of Magical Me to the author of the best one!"

(Y/N) packed up his things and stood up from his desk and waited by his seat for Harry. "Ready?" Harry muttered.

"Wait till everyone's gone," said Hermione nervously. "All right —"

"I'll be outside," said (Y/N), he got confused looks from both Harry and Ron but a shrug from Hermione. "I just think his biggest fan doesn't need me in there right now. I think she'd much prefer to blush so hard she looks like a tomato, without me there."

With those words and a glare from Hermione, (Y/N) walked out of class. He leaned against the wall and waited by the door. He had only waited for two minutes when a certain greasy-haired Potions professor came up to him. "And what would you be doing loitering outside Professor Lockhart's classroom, (L/N)?"

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