26. An Unpleasant Revelation

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(Y/N)'s POV

(Y/N) left his Charms class in relatively high spirits. Until he felt someone yank the sleeve of his robe and grab his arm to pull him in the opposite direction of where he was going.

"What in the hell are you doing, Harry?" asked (Y/N) agitated, he pulled his arm free from Harry's grip with a scowl.

"We were going to the trophy room this break, remember?" said Harry.

(Y/N) just rolled his eyes and internally groaned as he began to follow Harry, Hermione and Ron to the trophy room. Riddle was becoming an obsession of Harry's. (Y/N) understood his desire for answers but this was getting annoying.

The four of them entered the trophy room, the glittering medals, shields and plaques could bling someone if they stared at them for too long. "Well done, Ron," said (Y/N). "This really does look like the work of a good polish. Ever thought of taking Filch's job?"

Ron gave him a glare and eventually Hermione called out to say she had found the shield. Riddle's gold shield was tucked away in a corner cabinet. Unfortunately, it had no details about why it had been given to him.

However, they did find Riddle's name on an old medal, and on a list of old Head Boy's.

"He sounds like Percy," said Ron, wrinkling his nose in disgust. "Prefect, Head Boy — probably top of every class."

"You say that like it's a bad thing," said Hermione, in a slightly hurt voice.

"Oh no," said (Y/N), a look of horror creeping its way across his face.

"What?" said Harry.

"Hermione's going to become the Percy of the group," said (Y/N) in fake terror.

"Oh be quiet you prat!" said Hermione with a look of horror like (Y/N)'s.


The sun had now began to shine weakly on Hogwarts. The mood inside the castle was once again growing more hopeful. There had been no more attacks since the double attack on Justin and Nearly Headless Nick. Madam Pomfrey also brought the happy new that the Mandrakes were becoming moody and secretive, meaning that they were fast leaving childhood.

(Y/N) took this news in two ways. He was hopeful that the heir of Slytherin had lost their nerve and wouldn't attack again because of how alert the school had become.

However, the other way was that one voice in the back of his head always casting doubt about this period of peace. "The heir's just waiting, just biding their time until they do another attack. This one'll be bigger, a triple, a quadruple, it might kill someone next time."

That sinister voice always played on repeat anytime (Y/N) past the Hospital Wing and saw any of the victims. Anytime he saw a pack of first years making their way through the corridors. Anytime he heard Peeves singing that stupid song about Harry, "Oh Potter, you rotter..."

The two sides were at war with each other and (Y/N) couldn't decide how he felt. His thoughts were once again growing chaotic and his feelings became increasingly more and more negative.

He lost his cheery self and always felt like lashing out at someone for doing the smallest, aggravating thing. Like anytime he heard Ernie Macmillan telling people that it was Harry and he had 'given himself away'. Anytime he saw Lockhart with that infuriating smile and basically whenever he spoke.

(Y/N) kept to himself more and more over the week, spending his free time in his room with the velvet curtains on his four poster drawn so he could feel a moment of peace. He talked less and less, ate and drank less and less which definitely led to some moments of worry from both his friends and teachers alike.

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