27. Personal Petrification

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(Y/N)'s POV

(Y/N), Hermione, Harry and Ron had always known that Hagrid had always possessed and unfortunate liking for large and monstrous creatures. Even if (Y/N) loved Norbert as much as Hagrid did, he was still trying to keep a dragon. And not to mention that giant three-headed dog Fluffy.

(Y/N) knew that Hagrid always a bit to trusting and naive, if a thirteen year old Hagrid had heard of a monster hidden in the castle, he would take pity on the creature and would've thought it deserved to stretch its legs.

But (Y/N) had a gut feeling that it couldn't have been Hagrid, he had a gut feeling that the friendly gigantic man would never keep a monster that dangerous.

Just like Hermione and Ron, (Y/N) practically interrogated Harry about what he'd seen. (Y/N) could recite what Harry had told him, but it wasn't good enough. He was missing something, he didn't know what it was, (Y/N) felt like it was dangling in front of his face.

(Y/N) sat quiet as his friends talked about Hagrid's supposed involvement. Mentally reviewing what Harry had told him countless times.

"Riddle might have gotten the wrong person," said Hermione, like (Y/N) she thought it was ridiculous Hagrid was involved somehow. "Maybe it was some other monster that was attacking people..."

"How many monsters d'you think this place can hold?" Ron asked dully.

"Probably about six," muttered (Y/N).

"We've always knew Hagrid been expelled," said Harry miserably. "And the attacks must've stopped after Hagrid was kicked out. Other, riddle wouldn't have gotten his award."

(Y/N) sighed, that thought was always on his mind. He could see the connection between the attacks and Hagrid's expulsion, but he still had that inkling something was missing.

(Y/N) did nothing more than sit silently as his friends kept talking. Ron compared Riddle to Percy, calling him a grass. Hermione brought up the point that the monster had killed someone. Eventually the conversation just ceased.

That was until Hermione asked the knottiest question of them all. "Do you think we should go and ask Hagrid about it all?" she said hesitantly.

"That sounds like an amazing conversation," said (Y/N). "Hiya Hagrid, quick question, are you secretly setting a monster on Muggle-borns because you're a closeted psychopath?"

In the end, they decided that they wouldn't say anything to Hagrid unless there was another attack. As the more and days back without any attack, they had become hopeful the topic of Hagrid's expulsion would never be brought up in hut.

The Mandrakes were close to reaching full maturity as Professor Sprout was happy to announce that the Mandrakes had thrown a large party in Greenhouse Three.

When the Easter holidays had begun, second years were given something new to think about. It had become time to choose their subjects for third year.

To say it was a difficult decision would be an understatement. (Y/N) and Hermione were the only ones to take it seriously.

"It could affect our whole future," she told Harry and Ron.

"I just want to give up Potions," said Harry.

"We can't, said Ron gloomily. "We have to keep all out old subjects, or I'd've ditched Defence Against the Dark Arts."

"But that's very important!" said Hermione in shock.

"Not the way Lockhart's been teaching it," said (Y/N). "The only thing I've learned in his class is how much winning a smiling contest can go to your head."

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