2. Dinner Date Set and Empty Threats

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(Y/N)'s POV


As he and Dumbledore landed back in the park (Y/N) had realised how long they had spent in both Diagon Alley and the Leaky Cauldron.

The sunset was setting and the sky had turned and orangey pink. The park and surrounding are was pretty much deserted but that didn't mean that (Y/N) and Dumbledore could lower their guard.

"I think we should be heading back to your house now (Y/N)."

(Y/N) didn't disagree and both he and Dumbledore walked to his home and all the way front door. As they reached the door, (Y/N) turned to Dumbledore. "Thanks again for buying all my supplies again Dumbledore. However if you wait here I ca-"

"Despite my age (Y/N), I can remember various things. Like your sack of Galleons, I didn't give them to your parents for them to give the sack to you only for you to give the money away. I do not wish to be paid back."

(Y/N) frowned and Dumbledore chuckled, "Do not think I don't appreciate it though. However let's not discuss it, just like last year all your supplies should be posted to you in a week or so. Goodbye (Y/N)"


"Don't think you're going to stop me just like that Dumbledore."

(Y/N) muttered to himself before entering his house. Even if it was relatively early there was hardly any noise. Which would be odd for his house, normally there would be at least some form of shouting happening.

However (Y/N) didn't care and walked upstairs to his bedroom. As he opened his door he was met with an annoying sight, both of his parents in his room. His dad looking out the window and his mum sitting on his bed.

"I'd rather not have another fight. Do you know how hard it is to sleep on a slide? Whatever you want to say, say it then get out of my room."

His mum's face soured because of his tone but (Y/N) couldn't care less. She cleared her throat then spoke, "We just wanted to tell you that we're going to the Granger's tomorrow."

His mum got off his bed and went to leave the room. She looked back at Adam but he didn't stop looking out the window. "I'll leave you two alone, no shouting and screaming please."

"Doubt we'll be able to keep that promise mum."

As (Y/N) finished his sentence Eve just sighed and left the room. As she did, any form of lightheartedness left the room and the air felt sour. Both (Y/N) and his dad just stood in silence before his dad spoke.

"I want to apologise. You know for all the fights and everything. I realised I'm being unfair."

To say the words came at a shock to (Y/N) was an understatement. He thought there'd be no way that his dad would be the first to apologise.
"Thanks...I mean it as well, I think the slide may have given me back problems."

The two shared a chuckle before Adam stopped looking out the window and turned towards (Y/N). "That doesn't mean I'm loving the idea of you going back to Hogwarts though. I still don't like the place."

(Y/N) just nodded and his dad went to leave the room. Just as the door opened however, (Y/N) spoke.

"Love you dad."

A silence filled the room until Adam spoke,
"Love you too son."

With that Adam left the room and (Y/N) was left alone. Not totally alone though, soon after the door was shut a mass of black fur began to come out from under the bed.

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