10. Howling Letters and Could you Teach Better?

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(Y/N)'s POV

Walking into his dorm room, (Y/N) was greeted by both Neville and Dean who inquired about where he went last night. "Well none of you would shut up about the Willow so I went down back into the Common Room."

Both Neville and Dean looked to each other in confusion but walked past (Y/N) to leave the room. Approaching his bed, (Y/N) was met with a hiss. Looking at the centre of his four poster bed, (Y/N) saw Soot staring at him.

"Sorry about last night. I know it wasn't that big of a deal but you've got to admit though, those lot can be really annoying at times." (Y/N) scratched Soot behind her ears as she purred in agreement. "I'll be here tonight but for now I'm going to get changed and start the day."

As (Y/N) got himself dressed he heard the sound of Harry, Ron and Seamus all groan as they woke up. "Rise and shine lazy butts. Get up, everyone's going to be leaving for breakfast soon."

(Y/N) said as he prodded Seamus' cheek and as he had his hand swatted away, (Y/N) heard Seamus mutter. "One of these days (Y/N)." Hearing his name, (Y/N) pulled the covers off Seamus and watched him groggily start to sit up.

"What? Going to turn me into rum? No thanks Seamus, I'd rather make it to dinner before you blow me up." (Y/N) grinned as Seamus went pink eared and pulled the curtains on his four poster, all while muttering curse words.

Harry's POV

"Up you get Potter." The familiar voice of (Y/N) caused him to open his eyes and he began to feel himself being shook around. "I said up Potter." Harry slowly sat up before rubbing his eyes and retrieving his glasses.

As he got up out of his bed, he saw that both Neville and Dean were no longer in the room, Seamus had his curtains drawn, Ron was still snoring and (Y/N) was fully dressed. "Do me a favour Harry and get that ginger up. I swear he sounds like thunder when he snores."

(Y/N) took his cat Soot of his bed and let her perch on his shoulder as he made his bed. Harry began to get changed but decided to multitask and talk to (Y/N). "You talked to Hermione yet?"

As he pulled his trousers up, Harry heard (Y/N) begin to speak. "I don't know what happened between you three last night but I'm guessing it was a lot of scolding and Hermione huffing. She's still mad if you really want to know, talked to her a few minutes ago. She thinks you 'got off nearly scot-free' and I don't think she's too happy about that."

As Harry pulled his robe on he couldn't help feel annoyed, but also sad. He didn't enjoy the sort of argument the three of them had but Hermione wasn't seeing the reasoning behind what they did. Despite her stubbornness, it pained Harry that Hermione really felt like him and Ron should've been punished severely.

"See you at breakfast Harry, remember what I told you about waking Ron up."

(Y/N)'s POV

After he had descended the steps, he walked into the Common Room and was greeted again by Hermione. Both (Y/N) and Hermione made their way down to the breakfast as they talked about nothing interesting.

During their walk to the Great Hall, Soot jumped off (Y/N)'s shoulder and started to speed of down the corridor. If (Y/N) looked in the distance, he could see the dust coloured fur of Mrs Norris as Soot ran towards her intending on chasing her around the castle. She's going to get both of us in trouble one day I swear.

As they neared the Great Hall, (Y/N) turned to Hermione to speak but as the two made eye contact she frantically turned away and looked straight ahead. (Y/N) had noticed her odd behaviour since the Common Room, she either went red faced when their eyes met or just broke the eye contact and stopped speaking.

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