4. The Curse of Erised

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Eve's POV

As she walked towards the door to go into (Y/N)'s bedroom, a loud thud came from his room and the door shook slightly. Stepping closer she opened the door and peeked her head inside.

"What was that (Y/N)?"

Looking down she really what exactly had hit the floor. Voyage with Vampires by Gilderoy Lockhart laid on the floor. "Isn't this one of your books for the school year?" Eve said sternly as she picked up the book and began to straighten out the bent pages.

"He's a fraud."

Looking to (Y/N) she realised the amount of mess he had really made. At least another seven books were in various positions around the room. The one Eve held in her arms was the last one (Y/N) read. "Fraud? I couldn't care less! Dumbledore paid for these books and I don't want you ruining them."

"Why would we need these books anyw-...no."

(Y/N) looked horrified and had his mouth hanging open in shock."What's the matter?"

"He's going to be the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher." (Y/N) seemed to realise what he just said and snatched the books around the room and began to reread them.

"Thought this squirrel man was that teacher."

"Quirrel mum. He can't anyway, remember Harry burned him to ash or something."

Remembering the stories that (Y/N) had told her when he came back, Eve desperately wanted to change the subject. "You need to go to sleep remember. You aren't going to read these all in one night."

"What do you think I've been doing all day? Where's the vampire one? Oh thanks mum."

(Y/N) took the book from her hands and sat back down on his bed and Eve just looked at him shocked. "All of them in one day."

"I shouldn't have read them at all, he's a liar. A shit one as well, it's clear he didn't do any of these things."

"(Y/N) (L/N)!"

(Y/N) looked towards her and his eyes widened as his brain registered what he just said. "Sorry mum." A heavy silence came in the room that was broken by (Y/N). "So why do I need to go to sleep? It's only half nine."

He's seriously trying to change the subject.

Eve just sighed and began to leave the room, "You're meant to be going to the Weasley's tomorrow. Mr Weasley did say to be awake and packed by quarter past nine. I don't want you over sleeping."

(Y/N)'s POV

His mum closed the door and (Y/N) was left alone with the liar's books. However he suddenly remembered something truly important, he hadn't really packed.

He jumped of his bed and began to pull out everything from under his bed. He packed everything in his trunks with a mixture of tidiness and just frantically throwing things in.

He finished packing all his stuff and then remembered the books on his bed. He chucked those in without any care at all. Couldn't care less about you and your awful books.

(Y/N) pushed his trunks to one corner of the room and placed one on top of the other. He clambered on his bed and pulled the covers on himself as he heard scratching on the door.

(Y/N) groaned and pulled himself out of the bed, he opened the door as Soot ran into his room and jumped on his bed. "Do you have a sixth sense about when I'm going to sleep?"

Soot meowed what sounded like a 'yes' and began to paw at the pillows. "Yes I know, I'm coming." (Y/N) made his way back into his bed and pulled the covers over on himself and it didn't take long for Soot to nestle into a ball on his chest.

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