Chapter 27

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Harry trudged through his front door, hanging up his coat and slipping his shoes off, singing softly to himself as he made his way to the kitchen.

The eating plan he and Louis had come up with was working pretty well, he was by no means recovered, at all, he still had plenty of days where he couldn't eat a thing, and those days lasted quite a while. But by having an actual plan in front of him, he felt a lot better about it. Because he knew he was trying.

He span around, grabbing himself a drink as well as a biscuit, dropping both the glass and biscuit as he noticed a figure sat on his sofa. He backed up slightly until he was pressed against the counter, reaching blindly for the light switch.

"Hello darling. Where've you been? it's 6 in the morning. I've been waiting for you."

"Alex-no, no. What are you doing here? How did you get in?"

He held a front door key up with a grin. "Did you forget I had it?"

"I, I took it back."

"No you didn't. You must've been drunk."

"I wasn't drunk, I took it back."

"No you didn't. You took back a fake. God Harry, you're so stupid."

"Get out, what are you even doing here? Get out-"

"I'm not leaving. I want to talk to you."

"Talk then."

"Since when did you get so bold? You know I'm in charge of you." He snarled.

"Were. You were in charge of me. But we're not together anymore. You can't do shit to me." Harry spoke firmly, though his hands shook.

"Is that so? Just shut up already. I want us to get back together."

"No, no. Why would you even want that?"

"It will make me look better. You're famous, god knows how, and if you're dating me I'll get public attention. And around the people who don't look up to you or whatever I'll still look better cause I'll have some idiot next to me."

"Leave, please leave. And give me my key."


"Find someone else to screw up!"

"Oh sweetheart, you know it wasn't me who screwed you up. It was those pathetic little boys."

"Don't. You took advantage of me. Just fuck off you fucking cunt!"

Within a second Alex had made his way to Harry, gripping his jaw firmly. Harry's nostrils flared, his eyes flitting around in panic as he clenched his jaw and fists.

"Get off me."

"Stop talking to me like that. You're nothing. You're worthless. You don't get to decide what people do with you. The only thing you're good for is fucking."

"That's not true." Harry uttered meekly.

"Yes it is, and you know it. You're a fucking worthless whore!"

"Get off me!" Harry squirmed, attempting to push Alex off him, helping as Alex's fist came in contact with his face, first his eye, then his jaw.

"Are you going to shut up?" He asked calmly.

Harry nodded his head slightly. 


"Yes. Yeah, 'm sorry." Harry murmured.

"Good boy." Alex praised him. "Now come and sit down and we'll talk like adults."


"Stop!" Harry cried out as Alex hit him again, gripping his wrists. "I can't, I, I have to go, I have a meeting and if I don't turn up they'll come over-"

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