Chapter 40

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Harry made grabby hands as Louis walked over cautiously, two mugs of hot chocolate in his hands.

Louis handed it to Harry, smiling softly. Harry had about 5 blankets bundled around him, his hair was dry now, chocolate curls upon his head, drooping infront of his eyes.

"Thanks." Harry held it between his hands, blowing the steam away, only for it to keep coming back.

"You look adorable." Louis told him.

A blush took over Harry's cheeks, "stop it." He smiled at Louis, shifting so he was resting against him.

"How've they not kissed yet?" Niall muttered to Zayn and Liam from outside the door.

"God knows." Zayn replied. "But they're being too cute."

"Far too cute." Liam agreed.

"Lou! Stop it!" Harry squealed before bursting into a fit of giggles.

"And that," Niall started, "was Louis sucking Harry's dick."

"Niall!" Liam hissed, "don't be so crude."

"Right," Zayn stood up, "that's enough spying. I'm okay with watching but I have a feeling Harry's told Louis stuff he doesn't want us to know yet."

Niall pouted but followed Liam and Zayn anyway.


"H, can I talk to you?" Zayn asked as he wandered into the living room where Harry was sat on the sofa.

"Yeah?" Harry stood up, following Zayn.

"Okay," Zayn shut the door behind them, "basically, um, I've kinda picked up on your eating habits and your relationship with food and it's very similar to how I was."

Harry frowned as he tensed up.

"I didn't say anything because it seems like you've told Louis and Louis is helping you so I didn't want to make you uncomfortable or paranoid or anything. I just wanted to let you know that if you need me I'm here for you."

"I-I, um, d-does anyone else, um, does anyone else know?"

"Not that I know of."

"Okay." Harry murmured, "um, thank it, like, is it obvious?"

"I'm not really sure. I think maybe for me it was more obvious because I went through it."

"I'm getting better." Harry added quietly, "I'm trying anyway."

"I can tell you're trying."

"I feel a bit creeped out. It's like you're watching me." Harry said in a joking manner, "but yeah, I really am. Louis's being really helpful."

"I'm glad." Zayn smiled, pulling Harry into a hug. Harry gladly accepted, resting his head on Zayn's shoulder.

"You won't say anything, right? Or hint anything. Like, I might tell them if I get better but-"

"When. When you're better." Zayn corrected firmly. "You will get better, I promise you."

"Okay." Harry spoke, though he didn't sound too convinced.

"You will." Zayn repeated.

"Let's go back outside." Harry forced a smile.

"Okay." Zayn agreed softly.


"Zayn knows about my eating habits." Harry told Louis quietly.

"He does? How?"

"Just picked up on it." Harry shrugged. "Which is fucking annoying. What if everyone picks up on it? What if the media pick up on it?"

"You're getting better. It'll be okay."

"Yeah." Harry murmured, packing his clothes back into his suitcase. "Before I put everything away, do you want a jumper for the plane? Because I know what you're like and once this is packed up it's not coming out again until we're in England."

"Fuck yes!" Louis ran over, rummaging through Harry's suitcase, "this one." He paused, taking Harry's own merch, "and this one." He pulled out a knitted jumper.

"You're going to be wearing two?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"No. Don't be silly. I'm going to be wearing the jumper on the plane."

"And why's the hoodie been taken?"

"Because I don't have any of your merch yet."

"And it's not like you don't know the person who's merch it is. You do realise I could get you some at any time?"

"Not the same. This one is more connected to you." Louis looked inside, checking the size. "You know what, I'll do you a swap. You get some of my merch for this."

"Is it connected to you?" Harry smirked.

"Yes. I've worn it plenty of times and it will be just the right size."

"Okay." Harry grinned. "What colour?"

"Take your pick."

"Pink." Harry tilted his head.

"I've got pink."

"Pink." Harry nodded in confirmation.

"I'll drop the pink one off as soon as possible then angel."

A deep blush coated Harry's cheeks as he looked down to his hands. Louis smirked at the effect the names had on Harry, throwing the jumpers onto his suitcase.

"Can't believe we're going tomorrow. I don't wanna go home." Harry sighed.

"Why not?"

"It's lonely." Harry admitted.

"Well I'll just come over every other day."

"What about the other days?"

"You've got a choice between us 4 and your other friends."

"I suppose."

"Can you help me pack my suitcase?"

Harry moved next to Louis, "fine."

"I throw, you fold?"

"Sounds good." Louis began picking up and throwing t-shirts at Harry, Harry picked them off the floor. "Lou, slow down!"

Louis started to move in slow motion, swearing under his breath as the t-shirt didn't move through the air slowly.

"Louis! These better be clean!" Harry peeled a pair of boxers off his head.

"They are, don't worry Harold."

"Stop throwing your boxers at me."

"But you're putting them away." Louis threw his hands in the air.

"God, how many pairs of boxers do you have?"

"I didn't count." Louis shrugged. Once he had finished chucking clothes at Harry and Harry had finished putting them away he shuffled over, lying down with his head on Harry's lap.

Niall walked into the room, pausing at the sight before walking over and sitting next to Harry, leaning against him. Harry tilted his head but wrapped an arm around Niall, his other hand stroking Louis's hair.

"Y'alright Niall?" Louis looked up.

"Yeah, you just looked cuddly so I thought I'd join."

"Harry's very good for cuddling."

Harry smiled down at him, Niall rolling his eyes with a smile. "Right I'm off." Niall quickly pressed a kiss to Harry's cheek before bending down and kissing Louis's cheek before skipping away.

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