Chapter 20

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"Has Harry replied to you recently?" Louis sighed as he lay back on Niall's sofa. "I mean, all I've heard from him is when he said he's not coming to our meet ups."

"Nah, I haven't heard from him mate." Niall replied, flopping down next to Louis.

"Do you reckon he's alright?" Louis lifted his head, resting it on Niall's lap.

"Have you called him?"

"No answer."

"Been to his house?"

"Bit invasive that."

"It's worth checking in on him." Niall shrugged.

"Should I go now? I'm going now." Louis stood up, "might as well, mightn't I?"

"Update me." Niall nodded.

"Will do, um, do you have a key?"

"Yeah, hanging by the door. It's the green one."

Louis rolled off the sofa, standing up and grabbing thee key before bidding Niall farewell and driving to Harry's apartment.

He knocked on the door, getting no reply, but realising Harry had painted it since he had last seen him, 2 and a half weeks ago. What was once a cream was now a sage green, which to be fair was a pretty colour.

"Harry?" He called out, but no reply. He waited 5 minutes, knocking a couple of times again before eventually using his key. "Oh fucking hell." He grimaced at the sight in front of him, there were empty beer bottles everywhere, a full ashtray in the centre of the coffee table, and dirty cups littered the sides. A scent of weed filled his nostrils and he let a frown fall upon his face."Harry? Where are you?"

He waded through the literal sea of bottles and cans, opening a window on the way before making his way to Harry's room. He knocked on the door, and obviously no reply came with it, so he opened it.

Harry was lying in the middle of the floor, arms and legs spread out like a starfish as he stared at the ceiling. The room was dark and dingy and he could see the dirty clothes everywhere. "Hey." Louis spoke softly, "Harry?"

"Go away." Harry mumbled, making no move to direct his gaze to Louis.

"What are you doing?" And oh, there were several bottles around him as well.


"Well you're not, are you?" Louis said pointedly, making his way across the room and opening the curtains and then the window.

"Shut them." Harry groaned.

"Not until you tell me what's going on."

"What's right," He rolled over, squinting to see who was actually there, "Louis? What's right, what's right, what's right?"

"Okay, are you drunk? Or high? Or anything else?"

"Both." He giggled, making a smoking action.

"Okay." Louis repeated, kneeling down by Harry and helping him sit up. "When were you last fully sober?"

"A while. Not long."

"Which one?"

"I don't know...last week? Day?"

"It's Saturday."

"Mhm, last week maybe? I think."

"Oh Harry, why?" Louis asked sadly.

"Oh Louis, why not?" Harry beamed in response.

"When did you last sleep?"

"A while. Not long." He repeated.

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