Chapter 43

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"Harry. I need to talk to you." Louis spoke shakily.

"Oh god, um, I've eaten breakfast today, I haven't had weed or alcohol, I haven't cut yet today-"

"No, no, that wasn't what I was gonna say."

"Okay. I'm scared, can you get on with it please before I properly freak out." Harry tugged his sleeves down, his knee beginning to bounce.

Louis rested his hand on Harry's leg, trying to calm him down. "Yeah, um, I kinda, like I really like you. Like more than a friend obviously."

Harry's knee stopped bouncing.

"If you don't like me back then like, just stop me now because I'm gonna be really embarrassing myself. And if you don't, also forget I ever said this please-"

"Lou." Harry cut Louis off from his nervous rambling.

"Yes?" Louis looked up hopefully.

"I, um, I really like you too." Harry beamed, a look of shock upon his face.

"Thank fuck." Louis let out a sigh of relief. "So, can I like kiss you now? Because I would really like to."

"Yeah-" Harry nodded, already looking breathless.

Louis placed a hand on Harry's cheek, leaning in and bringing their lips together, Harry's soft against Louis's slightly rougher ones.

It only lasted a few seconds, them just enjoying the feeling of being with the other, before they pulled away, Harry immediately lunging forward and pulling Louis into a hug.

"I'm really fucking happy." Harry mumbled, "I think I'm gonna burst."

"Don't burst."

"But I never thought this would actually happen."

"How have you not noticed I like you? Like, cuddles, jumper stealing, pet names. You don't hear me calling Niall angel." Louis chuckled.

"Didn't wanna get my hopes up." Harry shrugged.

Louis pulled away slightly, only to duck back down and kiss Harry again.

"I'm staying here tonight."

"I know. I wouldn't let you leave anyway." Harry murmured into Louis's shoulder.

"That's creepy love." Louis laughed, pulling away again and looking Harry in the eyes, pushing his curls off his face.

"No it's not. It would be creepy if I told you I'd never let you leave ever."

"You better let me leave at some point."

"Maybe." Harry shrugged with a small smirk.

Louis moved to straddle Harry's lap, slotting his head into the crook of Harry's neck and wrapping his arms around Harry. Harry immediately reciprocated the actions, surprised at how well they still fitted together. Louis moved to grab the blanket next to them, wrapping it around the pair.

"You make me feel safe." Harry murmured.

"Good." Louis replied. "I want you to feel safe around me. There's no judgement."

"Why are you so good to me? Like since we've been back in eachother's lives you always make sure I'm okay."

"Because you deserve it." Louis replied simply.

Harry almost cried at that. The only person who had told Harry he deserved  the good stuff in his life was his mum and Gemma really. And as much as he appreciated them, it just felt like it had to be said because they were his family.

"You don't deserve to be sad." Louis added, "you deserve to be the happiest person in the world."

"I don't think that will ever happen."

"It will. I'll make sure of it."


"Angel?" Louis called out as he walked through Harry's front door.

"Louis? Hi!" Harry grinned, running up to Louis and embracing him in a hug.

"You alright?" Louis laughed, "it's like you haven't seen me in years."

"It's been 3 days."

"I know love, I'm sorry. Anyway, I've come to take you on a date."

"What? You have to give me warning! I look like shit."

"No you don't. Plus, it doesn't matter what you look like, nobody is gonna see is."

"What are we doing?" Harry tilted his head.

"For me to know and you to find out."

"But Louis," Harry protested, "how am I supposed to know what to wear? I wanna know where we're going."

"Curiosity killed the cat darling." Louis smirked.

"That sounds like a threat." Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Come on." Louis chuckled, taking Harry's shoulders and turning him around, nudging him forward towards Harry's bedroom. "Make sure you wrap up warm."

Louis busied himself with making them flasks of tea and hot chocolate, placing them by the front door before knocking on Harry's door. "Can I pop in and steal a jumper?"

"Yeah." Harry opened the door.

Louis burst out into a fit of giggles, reaching up to pinch Harry's cheeks. "You look so cute."

And Harry did. He was in a pair of joggers, a colourful knitted jumper sat beneath a black puffer coat and a knitted scarf bundled around his neck. Upon his head sat a matching bobble hat, a couple of curls peeking out. "All soft and squishy." Louis added.

"Shush." Harry blushed.

Louis grinned, quickly peeling off his current jumper and chucking it on the bed before pulling a new one on. "You need to wear this one again to make it smell like you."

"Okay, will do."

"Take this." Louis passed Harry one of the flasks as they left the apartment.

"What's in it?" Harry asked, unscrewing it and sniffing it, looking up in excitement. "Tea!"

"And this one is hot chocolate." Louis smiled at Harry's excitement.

"Can I hold your hand?" Harry tilted his head, suddenly more shy again.

"Course." Louis reached out, Harry immediately finding his hands. "This is cool." He nudged at the mittens that were attached to Harry's sleeves.

"Hey, don't make fun of me. My mum brought them for me and made me attach them."

"I'm not making fun of you, they're cute." Louis squeezed his hand.

"You can laugh." Harry's lips lifted at each corner.

Louis let out a laugh, Harry looking to him in amusement.

As they clambered into Louis's car Harry peered around to the backseat, trying to get a hint to where they were going.

"I'm not stupid." Louis spoke as he started the car up, "it's all in the boot."

Harry huffed, slumping back in his seat.

Louis turned the music on, Harry's head snapping up as he heard the unfamiliar music, but Louis's voice.

"What's this?"

"It's called 'Copy of a copy of a copy'."

"When did you record it?"

"Two days ago. Really wanted to get something recorded and I had this written."

"It's really good." Harry mumbled quietly, listening to the lyrics. "Like amazing."

"Thanks." Louis smiled, "I wanted you to be the first one to hear it. Your opinion matters the most to me."

Harry bit his lip as a smile formed, "ditto."

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