Chapter 32

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"Morning." Louis murmured sleepily, opening his eyes halfway to look at Harry.

"Morning." Harry replied, not making an effort to move out of their current position- legs entangled, Harry's face against Louis's chest and Louis's arms around Harry.

"I don't wanna move. This is comfortable." Louis groaned.

"Mhm." Harry agreed, "shower then tea."

"Shower then tea." Louis nodded, rolling away from Harry and sitting up. Louis stretched, putting his arms in the air and rolling his neck.

And Harry definitely did not watch as his back muscles flexed, Louis having lost Harry's jumper some point in the night.

Louis looked back to Harry who quickly looked away, tugging his sleeves down over his hands and sitting up. He ran a hand through his hair, covering his mouth with the back of his arm as he yawned.

"Where's your jumper gone?" Louis looked around, "ah." He spotted it on the floor, clambering off the bed and pulling it on, down over his bum. "Are there towels and shit in the other bathroom?"

"Don't think there's any shit." Harry replied through another yawn. "Body wash and shampoo and conditioner and towels and face stuff though."

Louis let out a small laugh, "okay."


"Why are the showers so nice in your house?" Louis asked, running a hand through his wet hair as he walked into the kitchen.

"I thought they were just normal showers?" Harry turned his head to face Louis.

"No. They're extortionate."

"Big words from you." Harry smiled.

"Shush. Anyway, I'm taking that body wash."


"The body wash in there. It smells fucking wonderful so I want it."

"I know you've always wanted to be a criminal but you should stop stealing my stuff."

"Hey, what've I stolen?"

"My jumper, probably that jumper, and you're going to steal that body wash."

Louis waved a hand in dismiss, settling next to Harry at the table. "Have you got different body wash in each bathroom?"

"Might do."

Louis jumped up, a grin on his face as he started heading towards the other bathrooms.

Harry frowned after him, confused until he realised Louis was looking in the bathrooms, and suddenly he was panicking. Had he put the blade away?

"Louis-Louis, please stop a minute." Harry called out urgently, rushing after him.

Louis raised his eyebrows at Harry as he stood in one of the other bathrooms, sniffing the body wash. "What, they don't have cocaine in or anything right? Because this one smells like gingerbread."

"No, um, no cocaine. Just, um, don't go in my bathroom."

"Why not?" Louis dropped one eyebrow, the other one lifted as he tilted his head.


"Okay..." Louis said sceptically, incredibly confused, "did you take a massive shit and stink it out?"

"No." Harry gave a small laugh, "it's nothing for you to worry about. Let's go back into the kitchen."

"Okay." Louis took the body wash with him, placing it by the front door.

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