Harry slumped down onto the stool at the bar, tracing a finger around his glass. The interview had made him incredibly anxious, constantly trying to pry into his private life and ask about his 'girlfriends' aka practically any girl he was spotted with.
He forced a smile at the girl who slid onto the stool next to him. "Can I buy you a drink handsome?" She battered her eyelashes, running a single finger down his arm.
"Got one, thanks."
"Well, do you want to buy me one?" She tilted her head to the side.
"I-I'm not interested in girls, sorry." He murmured quietly, of course he realised she may know who he was and tell everyone, but it wasn't like she had proof. And even if she did, he couldn't bring himself to care. Everyone knew he wasn't opposed to dating boys, even if they didn't choose to believe it, all that would be different was that the world would know he didn't like girls.
"What? So you're gay?"
"Surely you still want a piece of me? I mean look at me, I'm all you could want." She raised an eyebrow.
"Well as far as I'm aware you're a girl."
"Yeah? And?"
"You're a girl and you don't have a dick. So there's nothing I want."
"Ugh whatever, the don't have to be so fucking rude. The least you could do is buy me a drink now." She rolled her eyes.
"And why would I do that?"
"Because you rejected me."
"What? So you want me to switch off my gayness?"
"Yeah. Obviously."
"It doesn't work like that." Harry sighed, "look, I've had a shitty day so please may you leave me alone?"
"Dick." She muttered, standing up and storming off.
Harry frowned after her, rolling his eyes and huffing as he turned back to his drink.
"Harry? It's what, 11 at night?" Louis opened his front door, confused as to why Harry was stood there.
"Hi." Harry grinned lazily, leaning against the door frame.
"Hi." Harry repeated.
"What are you doing here?"
"Dunno." Harry shrugged, "my legs took me here." He looked down at his legs, letting out a small giggle.
"Harry?" Louis furrowed his brow, waiting for Harry to look at him again, "are you drunk?"
"No." Harry shook his head, "not drunk."
"Right, come in." Louis sighed, leading Harry in as he sloppily took Louis's hand when he stumbled. "Sit."
Harry obeyed quickly, flopping down onto the chair and looking up expectantly.
"Where've you just come from?"
"A place?"
"Okay, where?"
"Pub, The Lion's King's Arms or something."
"The King's Arms? The one down the road?"
"Okay, and how long were you there?" Louis grabbed a glass of water, pushing it in front of Harry who just looked at it before bursting into a fit of giggles. "Harry, how long were you there?"

To Be So Lonely || l.s. ✓
FanfictionIt's been 5 years since One Direction went on a hiatus. The boys all are successful and happy in their solo careers and have kept in touch. That is, other than Harry. Harry's extremely successful but he's not happy and he's never felt so lonely. The...