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We had just finished practice when Michael called me.

"Hang on a second i can't hear you." I said as i picked the phone up.

Jade and Hunter were fighting over what the last song was going to be. She wanted something from mother mother while Hunter wanted something totally different.

I walked out of Hunter's garage and sat down in his livingroom.

"I'm sorry about that, why are you calling?" I asked not trying to sound rude.

"I wanted to make sure you were alright, i mean you did kinda leave without saying goodbye."

I nervously started walking around as one does when they're on the phone.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I didn't plan on doing that but then i saw how late it was and Ashton offered me a ride so i didn't really.."

He cut me off. "It's okay, you don't need to give me your whole life story."

I chuckled along with Michael.

"Anyway, i was wondering if i could come to see your performance tomorrow."

I stopped walking, was he genuinely interested?

"Uhm, if you really want to than yes."

"Prefect, your mom was really disappointed that she couldn't come. So i thought why not record it for her."

A smile appeared on his face. "I'm sure she would love that."

"What time do you start?"

"Around 6 and we'll only play a few songs."

"Alright I'll will see you then. Goodluck Riley, you can do it."

After i said goodbye i hung up the phone.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked when i returned to the garage.

"I'm throwing a party tonight, wanna join?" Hunter asked.

"Of course i do. Are you guys all going?"

Andy nodded but Jade shook her head.

"I can't, i have to go home." Jade said with a disappointed face.

"Can't you tell your parents that your sleeping at my house? They'll never have to know that you were at a party."

She hesitated but then shook my head. "I know myself to well. I'll get drunk or high and then they will find out. I will just see you guys tomorrow before our gig."

I sighed. "I understand, I'll see you tomorrow."

I didn't understand at all how she claimed to know herself to well. She was 16 how bloody well could she know herself?

We all gave her a hug before she left the house.

Before we could start the party we had to put some valuable things away. We put everything along with mine and Andy's bag in Hunter's parents room. That was the only door that could be properly locked from the outside.

After we had done that we all gave each other a daring smile. We were ready to forget about everything for a while.

It didn't take long before the house was filled with people who i didn't know.

I poured myself my third drink and went to sit on the couch. I hated to admit it but I'd rather be somewhere else than here.

"What's going on in that mind of yours?" Andy asked as he said down next to me.

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