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My math teacher and i didn't really have the best connection. She always complained about my behaviour and had a habit of getting my parents involved. Which was something that i absolutely hated. I could take care if my own problems.

I walked in class with my head down and sat down on a chair thar was all the way in the back.

"Riley can you sit here Please. I don't think you can handle sitting in the back." Mrs Wentworth said.

"I think I'm perfectly fine here."

"Don't give me that back-talk young lady. If i ask something you do it."

I rolled my eyes as i stood up. I wasn't in the mood to go to detention today.

"Do you do the homework?" She asked when i sat down in the front if the class.

"No i did not."

"May i aks why?"

"Because i had better things to do." I said shamelessly.

"Well make sure that you have finished your assignments by tomorrow. If you fail to do so I'm afraid I'll have to contact your mother."

She really could use a kick in her face right now. She knew that my dad didn't respond to the school anymore so she contacted my mom instead. Which sucked for me because my mom took everything so serious. She never got angry or anything but she just wanted to help me. Which i don't want, i just want to be left alone.

"I'll make sure I'll have it tomorrow." I said with a fake smile to her.

"That's good to hear."

She turned her attention away from and focused on the class.

I sighed relieved when the bell dismissed me. I almost ran out of class, i couldn't stay in there a minute longer.

When i walked out of the school i saw that Jade was already standing infront of my car.

"You look you had a fun time." Jade said with smile.

"Shut up."

I unlocked my car and we both got in. "This has got to be the worst day of all time." I said grumpy when i drove away from me.

"You always say that after math class."

"Yeah but this time i mean it because i also have a fucking doctor's appointment. Also, can you make my math homework for me?"

Jade rolled her eyes. I always asked her to make my homework because it wasn't that hard for her. And this was how she repaed me for driving her around.

"Fine as long as you don't snitch me."

"Never." I said absolutely serious.

After i had dropped Jade off i went to the hospital where i would have my appointment.

I parked my car in the huge parking lot and prayed that i would remember where i had parked it when i came back.

I walked into the building and said my name the the receptionist. She wrote my name down and asked me to take a seat until i was called.

I really wasn't a big fan of doctors because they could see right through you. From all the doctor's visits i used to have i've learned that it's best the be honest. That way a doctor left you alone after the appointment because he had all the information he had. Of course i trew in some lies here and there but not too much.

"Riley Shrank?" A nurse aksed after 15 minutes.

I stood up. "That's me."

She followed and gestured to follow her.

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