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"Homework." Mrs Wentworth said not expecting me to have it.

"Here you go." I said with a smile as i handed my homework in. Yesterday she forgot to aks for the homework which was kinda disappointing. I went to all that trouble to make it for her. Not really, i had made make it for me.

"Let's hope you didn't just write random numbers down." Mrs Wentworth said before she left my sight.

I rolled my eyes. I may be a bad student but she didn't have to be such a dick to me.

After she had collected everyone's homework she walked to the front of the front class the explain a new way to solve problems.

It didn't long for my mind to completely drift off. I stared out of the window, thinking about how this weekend was going to be. I wasn't at all excited to go to my mom's boyfriend house. It just felt like it was too much too soon.

"Riley can you repeat when i just said?" Mrs Wentworth asked angry to me.

"No i can't because i wasn't paying attention." I said bluntly.

She was a a bit shocked that i didn't even try to make something up. "Pay attention or I'm will sent you to the principal's office. And drop that attitude."

I really wanted to say something back but i wasn't in the mood the deal with the consequences.

After the bell ran i sprinted out of her class. If i had to look at that terrible woman for one more second i was going to lose my mind.

My phone suddenly vibrated as i walked to my next class.

Andy had texted me. He wanted me to see him behind the school.

I put my phone back in my pocket and turend around. I'd rather hang out with Andy than go to English.

I found Andy in the same ally where Jade tried to flirt with Beetle.

"Too scared too smoke alone?" I asked Andy with a grin.

"How did you know?"

He grabbed a badly rolled joint out of his pocket and lit it. "How was math?" He aksed as he handed it to me.

"As wonderful as always. I almost give mrs Wentworth my notebook so that she could write me a poem."

He laughed at that. "I'm sure she would love to do that."

I exhaled and give the joint back to him. "How's your dad?"

His smile faded. "He left last night and hasn't come back since. I think he's just high or drunk some where in an alley."

"Mabye we should look for him?"

He handed the joint back to me as he shook his head. "He deserves it. If he wants to ruin himself by doing drugs than so be it."

I tried not to exhale the smoke this time but i failed. I started to violently cough. Andy laughed as he hit my back. "You're an idot."

He took it back from me and did the same thing as me. But he did didn't cough or even showed any sigh of struggle.

I gave him an angry look. "Show off."

"Nah my lungs are just more fucked up than yours."

We both laughed at that.

"Do you still have that thing i have you a while back?" He asked as he tried to hand it back to me.

I refused, i had embarrassed myself enough. I knew exactly what he was talking about. "Yes i do, it's in my pocket."

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