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"Long school day?" My dad asked as i fell down on the couch.

"Mom made me go to a doctor's appointment."

He looked up from his phone. "Why?"

"Because her new boyfriend is a doctor and told her that i should get a check up. "

"Fucking asshole. You need to watch out with him. Before you know it he's going to give your mom even weirder thought." He said slightly angry.

I shrugged, i didn't really think that was going to happen.

"But you're all good right?" He asked after he had calmed himself down.

This made me smile. He did care about me but his ego always came first. "Yes i am but We'll know for sure when i get a call with the results of my bloodwork."

"That's good." He mumbled.

I nodded in agreement.

"Anyway, would you like to eat pizza tonight?" He said breaking the awkwardness that he had created.

"Of course i do."

He stood and messed around in the kitchen for a while until he came back.

"I've put them in the oven." He said as he sat down next to me.

I was kinda disappointed that he didn't order any pizza but this was fine.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" I aksed.

He shrugged. "Sure, if you can find a good one."

"Of course i do what about the perks of being a wallflower?"

"Is it a sad one?"

"I'll let you be the judge of that." I said with a grin as i turned the movie on.

Not even 15 minutes later we were eating pizza on the couch as the movie played.

My dad put his arm around my shoulder. "We should do this more often. Just relax together for a bit."

I let my head rest on his shoudler. My dad wasn't a bad person, there were more good moments than bad ones.

I didn't realise my dad had fallen asleep until he started to snor.

After a few minutes i got annoyed by it and sat up. He definitely was in a deep sleep so i didn't have to worry about waking him up.

I left the tv on, knowing that he would wake up if it turned it off. And i liked the background noise when i would go to sleep.

I carefully waked to my room and closed it behind me. I didn't bother to lock it.

After i got ready for bed i looked on my phone only to realise that i had 10 texts from my mom and two missed phone calls.

I sighed as i opened them. She could be so dramatic sometimes.

Mom: heyy sweetie, how did the doctor's appointment go?
Mom: is everything alright? Why aren't you answering
Mom: did something happen at school ot did the doctor say anything. You didn't forget did you? Plz text me back.

The rest of messages weren't important. Just her being concerned that I'd been kidnapped or something.

Me: heyy mom, I'm sorry for not responding sooner. I haven't been on my phone since the doctor's appointment. It went very well, they will call me in a few days for the results of my bloodwork. Nothing happend at school. I'm perfectly fine as always. Goodnight mom, i love you xx

I quickly shut my phone off after i had sent that text. I was too tired to have a full conversation with her. Besides it was already quite late but if i was lucky i would still have 6 hours of sleep.

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