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" the girls spend the night drinking , playing games , spilling each other's secrets , Lexa and Clarke secretly checking each other out , Raven and Octavia fell asleep in the guest bed room , Lexa and Clarke stayed a little bit longer , drinking wine and talking "

Lexa : I can't believe you made out with a teacher in 12th grade

" Lexa giggled and sipped wine "

Clarke : you seriously believe Raven now?

Lexa : so you didn't?

Clarke : of course I didn't

" Lexa nodded and sipped wine again "

Clarke : okay , that's enough wine for you

" Clarke took Lexa's glass , Lexa groaned "

Lexa : oh come on , let me at least finish it

Clarke : no , come on , it's 3 am , let's get you into bed

" Clarke wrapped her arm around Lexa's waist and helped her to get up , Lexa threw her arms around Clarke's neck and giggled , Clarke shook her head and took Lexa to her room , Lexa kept giggling all way to the room , Clarke placed Lexa on the bed "

Clarke : alright , good night Lexa

" Clarke covered Lexa with a blanket and tried to leave but Lexa grabbed her hand , Clarke looked at her "

Lexa : stay with me? I don't want to be alone , until I fall asleep

" Clarke hesitated but than agreed , she lied next to Lexa and snuggled her , Lexa fell asleep fast , the room was quit , Clarke can hear Lexa breathing , Lexa turned and faced Clarke , she was sleeping like a baby , peacefully , Clarke tucked Lexa's hair behind her ear slowly and fell asleep shortly after that "


" Lexa woke up the next morning to the music playing , she stretched her arms in the air and yawned , she heard giggles coming from outside , she got out of bed and walked out of the room , Clarke , Raven , Octavia and Madi were in the kitchen , Madi changed the song to ' Can I - Kehlani ' "

Lexa : good morning guys

" everyone looked at her , Madi's jaw dropped "

Raven : good morning

" Lexa walked towards the kitchen and sat on the stool "

Octavia : guys , Madi is not okay

" Clarke looked at Madi "

Clarke : Mads?

" Madi didn't say a word "

Clarke : MADS?

" Clarke placed her hand on Madi's shoulder , Madi blinked and whispered "

Madi : why didn't you tell me that Lexa was here

" Lexa heard her and smiled , she got up and walked towards Madi "

Lexa : you must be Madi

" Madi nodded "

Lexa : Clarke talks about you a lot

Madi : does she?

" she looked at her sister , the girls giggled "

Lexa : she does

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