
452 18 1

10:30 pm
" the girls waited for 20 minutes for Abby to come out of the emergency room , Lincoln and Greyson went to the cafeteria to get coffee for the girls and themselves "

Luna : did anyone tell her parents?

Anya : I think Grey did

Luna : what about Costia?

" Clarke sighed "

Luna : I didn't tell her

" Anya nodded "

Clarke : sorry but who's Costia?

Anya : unfortunately , Lexa's girlfriend

Clarke : oh..

Anya : yeah , I'm kind of glad she's not here right now

Luna : I can't believe I'm saying this but me too

Clarke : why?

Luna : she always blames Lexa for anything bad happens , the same thing happened to Lexa few months ago , she blamed her for it

Anya : she yelled at her while Lexa was on the hospital bed , tired and can't even move , she said she's here because she doesn't sleep , always works and drinks

Luna : ugh this bitch , even talking about her makes me sick

Clarke : if she's that bad then why is Lexa still with her?

Anya : she loves her

Luna : and Cos cheated on her once

Clarke : what the hell?

" suddenly Abby and a nurse walked out of the emergency room , the girls walked towards her "

Clarke : how is she mom?

Abby : she's absolutely fine , she had a little too much to drink

" Clarke sighed in relief "

Anya : thank god

Abby : are you guys related to her?

" she looked at Anya and Luna "

Anya : I'm her cousin

Abby : I need to speak to you for a second

Anya : sure

Clarke : is everything okay mom?

Abby : yes honey , go get a coffee , you look tired

Clarke : are you sure mom?

Abby : yes Clarke

" she patted on Clarke's shoulder "

Abby : come on , chop chop

" Clarke went to the cafeteria with Luna and Abby went to her office with Anya , she sat on her chair "

Abby : have a seat please

" Anya sat across from her "

Anya : is-is everything okay doctor?

Abby : yeah , yeah everything's fine but...

" she rested her hands on the table "

Abby : I don't want to take a blood test yet so I'll just ask , is she on drugs? Any type of drugs? And how often does she drink?

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