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" Clarke went to the art studio after getting coffee from Starbucks , it was empty , she forgot to clean up the last time she was there "

Clarke : here we go again

" she placed her phone and coffee on the table and tied her hair up in a bun , she grabbed a painting brush and sat on the floor , suddenly her phone buzzed , she ignored it "

Clarke : you can do this Griffin

" Lexa went to Nicholas's office after leaving Clarke's house , she sat in his office waiting for him "

Nicholas : sorry sweetie , I was busy

" he said as soon as he walked in "

Lexa : it's okay

" he sat on his chair "

Nickolas : where have you been Lex?

Lexa : just.. busy

Nickolas : I've been trying to call you but you didn't answer any of my calls and messages

Lexa : I'm really sorry Nick , I was really busy , what's wrong?

Nickolas : looks like you're gonna step into 2021 with Clarke in Vancouver

Lexa : wait what?

Nickolas : yeah , we start filming in 2 weeks

Lexa : woah

Nickolas : I know it was last minute but it had to be that way Lex

Lexa : does Clarke know about this?

Nickolas : not yet , I thought I'd tell you first

" Lexa nodded "

Lexa : I have a photo shoot this week and two interviews next week

Nickolas : well I hope you're done with this because we're starting in two weeks

Lexa : you're such an ass Nick , Clarke is gonna kill you

Nickolas : oh please , she'll be fine

Lexa : mmhm

Nickolas : by the way , isn't she hot?

Lexa : she is

Nickolas : I knew you're gonna like her Woods

Lexa : what? I don't like her , I mean i do... but not like that

Nickolas : like what?

Lexa : like i want to jump her bones

Nickolas : and here I thought you already did , I'm disappointed

Lexa : what makes you think that I did?

Nickolas : you smell like her

" Lexa sniffed her shirt and smiled "

Lexa : I do

Nickolas : and you're smiling

Lexa : am I not allowed to smile?

Nickolas : of course you're allowed to smile sweetie but you smiled because we're talking about Griffin , that's suspicious

Lexa : Nick , let's not forget about Costia

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