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- Tuesday , 15th Dec , 2020 / 4:25 pm -

" Lexa's interview already started 30 minutes ago , Clarke was at a bar with her friends , she was drinking margarita with Raven , Octavia was drinking Martini "

Raven : Bell , stay sober , you'll be driving us back home

Bellamy : I'll leave you here , I don't care

Octavia : he'll take us home

" Clarke sipped her drink "

Raven : is Lexa coming?

Clarke : yes , she'll be here in 20 minutes , and I'll keep an eye on her , I won't let her drink

Octavia : not even one drink?

Clarke : not even a sip

Octavia : damn she got herself a really protective girlfriend

Bellamy : hold on , what did I miss?

Raven : nothing , just Clarke and Lexa dating?

Bellamy : nothing, you're dating Lexa and no one even bothered to tell me?

Octavia : don't you get it? You're not that important Bell

Clarke : don't be mean O

" she giggled "

Clarke : sorry Bell , but she didn't want everyone to know , Rae and O are my best friends

Raven : yeah , you're her ex

Clarke : not really but yeah

Bellamy : I'm still your friend

Octavia : there's no best before friend in your sentence...

Bellamy : why am I here again?

Clarke : to be a good friend and take these two back home tonight

Bellamy : why don't you do it?

Clarke : no

Raven : she got her girlfriend

Clarke : this is my first glass and I'm not having another one

" she placed her glass on the table , Echo , Anya and Lincoln walked in "

Echo : hey gays

Clarke : hey gorgeous

" Echo kissed Bellamy , Anya and Lincoln sat next to Bellamy and Raven "

Bellamy : don't flirt with my girlfriend

Echo : jealous?

Clarke : all the pretty girls want me , deal with it Bell

Octavia : true

Bellamy : where's Luna?

Echo : she's outside parking the car

Lincoln : so guys , I'm having a party on Friday , and y'all are invited

Octavia : I thought friends don't need invites

Lincoln : well are we friends?

Octavia : aren't we?

Clarke : Lexa and I won't be joining unfortunately , we'll be at the airport

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