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" Lexa found her parents waiting for her in her room when she walked in with Clarke , Madison hugged Lexa tightly "

Madison : oh baby girl

" Lexa hugged her back "

Lexa : mom I'm okay

Madison : I'm sorry I wasn't with you the whole night

Lexa : mom please , It's fine , I'm okay

" Madison pulled away and looked at her "

Madison : but what happened to you?

Lexa : I drank too much , it's nothing serious

Steven : nothing serious? Alexandra that's why I keep telling you not to drink too much

Lexa : dad please...

" Clarke helped Lexa get up and sit on the bed "

Lexa : mom and dad , meet Clarke , her mom's the doctor who's been helping me

" Madison and Clarke shook hands "

Clarke : nice to meet you Mrs Woods

" she looked at Steven "

Clarke : nice to meet you Mr Woods

Madison : thank you so much for your help

Clarke : no worries

" Clarke looked at Lexa "

Clarke : Lexa I'll go check on my mom see if you're new results are out and ask her when is she gonna let you out

" she took Lexa's phone and placed it next to her "

Clarke : if you want anything , call me

" Lexa nodded "

Lexa : thanks Clarke

" Clarke smiled and walked towards the door "

Clarke : oh I forgot

" she walked towards Lexa and took one of the daisies "

Lexa : oh right

" Clarke smiled again and left "

Madison : who is that by the way?

Lexa : Clarke Griffin , my Co-star and friend

Madison : oh

Steven : I thought you're dating her

Lexa : no dad , I'm still with Costia remember?

Steven : unfortunately yes

Madison : Steven...

Steven : I'll go get myself a coffee

" he walked out of the room , Madison sat next to Lexa "

Madison : she's sweet , your ' friend '

Lexa : she is

Madison : did you talk to Costia?

Lexa : nope , not since she left

Madison : why?

Lexa : I guess I have been distracted , and I wanted to give her some time to have fun with her friends

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