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" Lexa found herself slammed against the door the second she and Clarke walked in her house "

Lexa : fuck

" Clarke smiled against Lexa's lips , she grabbed her ass and picked her up , taking her to the bedroom and placing her on the bed while kissing her hungrily and taking her dress off , tossing it on the floor , Lexa reached for Clarke's pants but the blonde grabbed her arm "

Clarke : stop

Lexa : what's wrong?

Clarke : let me take care of you tonight

Lexa : but baby-

" Lexa tried to sound as innocent as she could but the blonde didn't fall for that , she ran thumb across Lexa's bottom lip "

Clarke : you're punished , you don't get to touch or taste me tonight , I know how much you wanted to

Lexa : baby please don't do that

" Clarke gave Lexa the most evil smirk and walked out of the room , Lexa threw her head back and sighed , she sat straight and crossed her legs while waiting for her girlfriend , biting her nails , she was a little bit nervous of what Clarke is gonna do , the blonde walked in holding a rope , Lexa's eyes widened "

Lexa : oh no

Clarke : oh yeah

" Clarke kneeled down next to Lexa and grabbed her right arm "

Lexa : baby I promise not to touch you

Clarke : okay

Lexa : does that mean no ropes than?

" Clarke chuckled and tied Lexa hand above her head , to the headboard "

Lexa : baby please

" Lexa's voice came out raspier than usual , Clarke was about about to tie her other hand but stopped "

Clarke : dammit Lexa , stop calling baby

" the brunette giggled , she knows the effect that she has on her girlfriend "

Lexa : baby

Clarke : Lex you're only making it worse for yourself , the rope stays on

" Clarke tied her left hand , Lexa sighed and threw head back "

Lexa : fine just- don't tease

Clarke : mmhm

" she smirked again "

Lexa : Clarke-

" before Lexa could continue , Clarke pulled Lexa's underwear down , pushed her legs apart and kneeled down in front of her , taking off her own pants and top and throwing them on the floor , she unhooked her bra and threw it away , Lexa was already squirming and trying to get out of the rope , she closed here yes and whispered "

Lexa : fuck , baby please

" Clarke straddled her and brought her ear close to Lexa's face "

Clarke : what did you say?

" Clarke teased her , she placed her hand on Lexa's stomach "

Lexa : please

Clarke : can't hear you , say it again

" she squeezed Lexa's sides "

Lexa : Clarke please , please don't tease

" Clarke kissed her body all the way down to her inner thigh , slowly , Lexa moaned , Clarke smirked and grabbed Lexa's thighs , without a warning , she brushed the tip of her tongue over Lexa's clit , Lexa bit her lower lip and let out a soft moan and breathed ' fuck ' , Clarke sucked and licked on her clit for a minute , teasing her entrance until she finally pushed her tongue inside , making Lexa throw her head back and arch her back , she moaned louder "

Lexa : oh my god , fuck

" Clarke dug her nails into Lexa's thigh , after a few thrusts , she immediately felt Lexa's walls clenching around her , she brought her hand up and rubbed the brunette's clit painfully slow , Lexa was already a moaning mess , she really wanted to touch her girlfriend , Clarke swirled her tongue and pushed her fingers inside again , Lexa squirmed desperately , the rope around her wrist hurting her a little , Clarke grabbed her hip with her left hand while she kept thrusting her tongue and rubbing faster "

Lexa : oh fuck , fuck fuck fuck , I'm gonna come

Clarke : don't you fucking dare

" Clarke pulled away and eyed Lexa , her finger still on the brunette's clit "

Lexa : baby please , please don't stop

Clarke : so fucking impatient now , aren't we?

" Lexa tried to close her legs but Clarke grabbed her knees and spread her legs "

Clarke : did I tell you to close your legs?

" Lexa was already dripping , Clarke cursed under her breath and slid her middle and index finger inside the brunette so quickly and rubbed her clit with her thumb , Lexa arched her back , threw her head back and screamed the blonde's name so loud "

Lexa : Clarke oh my- fuckkk

" Clarke pushed in deeper , Lexa's walls clenched around her fingers "

Lexa : fuck , right there

" Clarke curled her fingers "

Clarke : yeah? , right there?

" she pulled her fingers out and pushed right back in , Lexa rolled her eyes and gasped , she bit her lower lip hard and moaned , Clarke noticed Lexa's watery eyes "

Lexa : C-Clarke I can't hold back

Clarke : come on baby , let go , I got you

" Clarke kept her eyes locked on Lexa as she continued thrusting deep and curling her fingers , Lexa came hard and the room echoed with her whimpers and moans , her eyes shut , her head thrown back and her back arched , Clarke licked and rubbed Lexa's clit again , soft and slow , she helped her ride out her orgasm "

Clarke : fuck

" Clarke licked her own fingers clean and kissed Lexa , allowing her taste herself off Clarke's lips , she straddled Lexa and untied her hands , the brunette immediately grabbed the blonde's ass , pulled her closer and kissed her hungrily , she slid her tongue into Clarke's mouth and swirled it around slowly , she moaned the second Clarke started sucking on her tongue gently , Clarke cupped Lexa's face and sucked her lower lip before pulling away to look at her girlfriend , both of them breathing heavily , Clarke wrapped her arm around Lexa's shoulder and stroked her hair "

Clarke : are you hurt?

Lexa : just a little sting

Clarke : I'm sorry

Lexa : don't be baby

" Lexa's voice came out low , she yawned and rested her head on Clarke's chest "

Clarke : go to sleep , we'll clean up in the morning

" Clarke kissed Lexa's forehead , Lexa nodded and closed , it didn't take her long to fall asleep , she was exhausted , Clarke kissed her forehead again and whispered "

Clarke : you're fucking amazing Lexa Woods

" she knew that Lexa was already asleep when she didn't reply , she grabbed Lexa's wrist and messaged it softly so she doesn't wake up "

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