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" Lexa walked in Clarke's room quietly , she closed the door and walked towards Clarke and sat next to her , Clarke was staring out of the window "'

Lexa : hey

" Clarke looked at her "

Clarke : hey

Lexa : im sorry , you wanted to be alone and I just walked in but I-

Clarke : it's okay Lexa

" Lexa smiled "

Lexa : you know you can talk to me right?

" Lexa grabbed Clarke's shoulder "

Lexa : look , I want you to calm down and listen to me

Clarke : im calm

Lexa : sweetie , you don't look calm

" Lexa caressed Clarke's cheek with her thumb "

Clarke : I promise Lexa , im calm

Lexa : okay

" she crossed her legs "

Lexa : so this Finn person , I have no idea who he is but looks like you and him are all over the news...

Clarke : wait WHAT?

" Clarke yelled "

Lexa : Clarke you said you're gonna stay clam

Clarke : what do you mean we're all over the news?

Lexa : that's what Raven said , she tried to tell you but you snapped at her and stormed off

" Clarke got up and grabbed her phone , she started checking Twitter "

Clarke : motherfucker , he told everyone that we're hooking up again

Lexa : again?

Clarke : yeah , he's my ex

Lexa : oh.. I didn't realize

" Clarke inhaled sharply "

Lexa : Clarke sit down and talk to me

" she grabbed Clarke's hand , Clarke sat next to her "

Lexa : what's his deal?

Clarke : we dated for three years , I moved in with him after 3 months since we started dating , he used to come back late at night , drunk , sometime he doesn't come back at all , he used to beat me up , I couldn't tell anyone , I found out last year that he's a drug dealer and he was with me because of my money and he wants to be famous , he showed up here once to talk to me , and everyone thought that we were hooking up , turns out he was the one who told the reporters that we're back together

" a tear rolled down Clarke's cheek "

Lexa : oh im so sorry , i never should've mentioned it

Clarke : it's okay Lexa , you didn't know , plus im so done with his shit , i swear i'll kill him

Lexa : woah woah , let's not go there , there are still other solutions Clarke

Clarke : this is the only solution i know , go to his apartment , choke him with my bare hand , give him a slow death

" Lexa widened her eyes "

Lexa : you're kidding right?

Clarke : of course i am sweetheart

" Lexa hit Clarke's shoulder "

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