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when harry arrived at the nandos vik had ordered him to go to -
"you have to come, there's no saying no."
he could already see simon standing waiting outside.

"vik not here yet?"

"hello to you too! nah he is, i was just waiting for you"

"how romantic of you"

"i know right? such a romantic gesture"

"have a nice wank break?"

"yeah actually, it was really nice. them pictures of you definitely helped"

"thanks for that, i'm going to go home now"

harry went to walk off - obviously joking - so simon reached out and grabbed the boy's arm, pulling him back to him.

"not so quick, little man"

"little man? seriously? you sound like my dad, are you a nonce?"


"okay i would much rather prefer vik's company"

they both walked inside, taking a good minute or so to find vik as he had chose maybe the furthest possible seat ever away from the door.

"hey vik!"

"oh, hey both of you! sorry i sat all the way over here, i can't really remember why i did."

"you been waiting here that long that you've forgotten? gosh, i'm a horrible friend!"

"simon just shut up and sit down"

"yes dad"

both of them taking a seat on the opposite side of vik 'can't miss an opportunity like this'

"don't call me dad, i'm not into that kinky shit you're into it"

and then the quick glances and the remembrance of an oddly clean coffee shop bathroom.

a few minutes later and they had all ordered their food, talking about anything and everything really - catching up with one another.
"yeah i've been okay, j- oh f-fuck"
it was simon's hand really fucking close to harry's crotch, fingers gliding up and down stroking the skin through his clothes and squeezing every other second or so.

"you okay? that was weird"

"y-yeah i've got some like r-re-really bad fucking pain in my ankle"

"what's wrong with it? haven't jumped off a roof or anything have you?"

"nah n-not this time, i think i tw-twisted it on the way here or som-something"

"ah okay, at least it's nothing a&e worthy"

then vik carried on talking like everything was normal, believing such a shit lie.
harry glared at simon and 'oh if looks could kill'. it's not that he wasn't in the mood, it was rather just that he didn't want to be moaning in a nandos because of a boy he's not even supposed to know.

when they were eating their food, every other five minutes or something one of them would touch the other hoping for a reaction, simon getting the majority of them because for some reason he was so fucking good at holding back moans and being able to sit still and harry most definitely was not.

all of them had finished their food and vik was already making plans of the three of them meeting up later on that week, they were sure he had a list of things to do on his notes in his phone but hey - it's a good thing! a) spending time with your friend, and
b) spending time with the person that you shagged/got shagged by in a coffe shop bathroom while your friend that knows both of you waited for one of you.
quite exciting!

they payed the bill, all equally splitting it even though vik was really reluctant -
"i asked you both to come here, it's my treat"
"no honestly vik, it's fine, don't worry about it"
"yeah just like harry, i don't mind paying for my food"
"ugh fine but next time we go somewhere, i'm paying"

they got outside and said their goodbyes, vik having to head left while the others both had to head right so that meant more time with each other.

"you're a right bastard, i hope you know that"

"thanks haz! you're really kind"


"like it or not, i'm using it"

"sure, go ahead"

"make sure to send me some pictures of yourself tonight, yeah? thinking of going on like three more wank breaks"

"fuck me you're a right busy man, aren't you?"

"i mean if you're offering. it would be nice to have your hand down there instead of mine"

"oh! would you look at that? i forgot to give something back to vik! guess i've got to head back left... sorry simon."

"stop acting like you wouldn't totally be down for that"

"i don't know, i kind of want to just sit in my house doing absolutely nothing. seems fun!"

"you know what? fuck you, my hand is probably better than your hand"

"i know what you're doing and it's not going to work. i'm not going to try and prove myself because that's exactly what you want me to do"

"guilty. you know all my tricks, not good"

"you've got one trick? lame"

"nah i've got waaay more, you'd be able to see them if you came back to mine"

"maybe tomorrow yeah?"

"suit yourself"

"okay, goodbye simon"

"in a bit, babe"

𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘯𝘶𝘥𝘦𝘴 // 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘸Where stories live. Discover now