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~ 2:34am ~

"hey babe"

"hello simon"

"eager are we?"

"yes and i'm assuming you probably are too"

"you're assuming right"

simon coughed a little, lowering his voice, and began speaking in a more assertive tone;

"so here's how this is going to go,"
"you're going to take off your boxers and start touching yourself"

and nothing had changed.
just like the first time they ever facetimed, harry done exactly what simon had asked him to do without any complaints and without uttering a single word.
pulling down his boxers and chucking them on the floor in front of him, then moving his hand and taking his cock in it, slowly moving his hand up and down, slight heavy breaths releasing into the air.

"good boy"

"now imagine i'm there with you, imagine it's my hand and not yours. my lips are connected to your neck, sucking and nibbling at little bits of skin as you have to keep a hand over your mouth to try and conceal your moans to make sure no one hears you"

and the scene played out so well in harry's mind, he imagined everything simon was saying and had to use his free hand to cover his mouth and bite on, to quiet the noises down.

simon's hand had found his dick as he listened to the sounds coming from the smaller boy and watched him jerk himself off. he continued to speak, giving harry an image in his head and would whisper affirmations to the boy here and there.

"you look so fucking pretty like this"

"holy fuck simon"

harry was letting out one too many moans, causing simon to smirk as a groan slipped out of his mouth,

"babe, remember that yo-ur siblings are in the other room"

and then harry muttered something like "oh fuck" which clearly was meant to be a complaint, but came out more as a moan as he carried on palming himself.
simon's hand movements sped up and he was being a bit more vocal than normal, teasing harry as he had to be quiet for his, rosie's and josh's sake (he was certain his life would be over if they heard him moaning some random boy's name).

"si-simon fu-ck i'm close"

"hold it in"

simon felt that he was close too, but he wanted to make harry wait. make him beg for his own pleasure.

"fu-fuck si, ple-ase?"

"beg for me to let you cum"

"hol-holy fuck simon please"
"plea-please just let me"
"i do-don't thi-nk i can hold on m-much longer"

"give me a few se-conds"

simon continued moving his hand up and down for like another minute or so, until neither him or harry could hold it anymore.
he bit his lip before looking up at the smaller boy as he whimpered under his own touch, then began speaking again

𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘯𝘶𝘥𝘦𝘴 // 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘸Where stories live. Discover now