an evening out

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they stepped into harry's living room, finding it to be surprisingly tidy considering he left his two younger siblings at his house on their own for a night.

"glad to see my house isn't a mess"

"oh hello harry, back from a wild night out are we?"

"it was just a party, nothing more"

it technically was nothing more, unless the sex part of the previous night was counted but he obviously wasn't going to tell his siblings about that.

in all honesty harry's head was still banging, although the painkillers had managed to calm it down a bit, so he didn't really want to be doing much today. unfortunately for him, with rosie and josh (and to be fair simon) around it was unlikely he'd get any peace.

"sorry for leaving you last night though, i guess"

"guess it's okay, but who's this? brought someone back and you're not even introducing them"

"oh right yeah. this is simon"

"well hello simon"

"hello josh, i've heard a lot about you"

"ah, of course you have. i'm harry's favourite sibling after all"

"shut up simon. josh, he's lying"

"i'm quite offended here, no way is josh your favourite"

"neither of you can drink, neither of you are my favourite"

they all sat down in the living room and rosie and josh pestered simon with questions, until they came up with a great idea. that great idea being going out for a meal and getting to know simon better over a bit of food.

the two elder boys decided it would be a good thing to do, more so to learn more about one another than harry's younger siblings.

"you left us all alone, so your treat of course harry"

"let's just hope i have enough money"

"i know that you do"

harry decided on getting changed out of the clothes that simon had gave him to wear, as they were slightly too big for him and he wanted to freshen up anyway.

he put on some clothes that weren't exactly the comfiest, but wouldn't cause him distress throughout the day and then combed his hair a little after washing his face and all you do in a bathroom.

they left it until 6:30 to leave and got an uber to the place rosie had chose, as harry wasn't too sure he was sober enough to drive just yet.

they waited in the short line at the entrance, then got seated at a table for four. rosie and josh sitting opposite simon and harry, harry could only pray simon wouldn't try anything on in front of his siblings.

they all ordered their food and drinks, everyone learning that simon was not a lover of fish whatsoever and josh's favourite was typically cod.

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