t w e n t y - o n e

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simon🔪: yesterday was fun.

harry✨: yeah actually, it was.

simon🔪: you seemed to enjoy it ;)

harry✨: i won't even try to lie.

simon🔪: yeah because i think if you didn't enjoy it, you wouldn't have been 'holy fuck simon don't stop' 'oh my fucking god'.

harry✨: yeah, yeah, okay, i get it.

simon🔪: ;)

harry✨: we should see each other again some day soon.

simon🔪: no shit??

harry✨: no shit.

simon🔪: hell yeah.

simon🔪: i'd fucking love to hear you moan like that again.

harry✨: ha ha, very funny.

simon🔪: nah, i'm being serious.

simon🔪: you sounded so fucking perfect, your moans keep replaying in my head.

harry✨: that's so fucking cheesy but i'd be lying if i said i'm not blushing rn.

simon🔪: glad i can make you blush, babe ;)

harry✨: i think you can make me do more than blush, daddy.

simon🔪: fuck me you're going to get me horny again.

harry✨: awe we can't be having that again, can we?

simon🔪: i've been horny like every fucking day since i started talking to you.

harry✨: i guess i have that effect on people.

simon🔪: holy fuck, yes you do.

simon🔪: send me a picture of your neck.

harry✨: ?

simon🔪: i want to see my work x

harry✨: sure.


simon🔪: fuck me that's hot

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simon🔪: fuck me that's hot.

harry✨: guess you and your work have that in common.

simon🔪: holy? fuck? you're under my skin, man.

harry✨: in a bad way?

simon🔪: nah, far from a bad way.
read 4:13am

𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘯𝘶𝘥𝘦𝘴 // 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘸Where stories live. Discover now