f o u r t y

870 18 5

simon🔪: decided not to go to the gym, took a day off x

harry✨: haven't you had like a week off?

simon🔪: not the point.

simon🔪: got anything for me?

harry✨: no, you can wait until later.

simon🔪: ah leaving me anticipated, are we?

harry✨: yeah actually, i am.

simon🔪: nice, gives me more time to look at the previous pictures you sent me and get hard.

simon🔪: also gives you time to try and make sure your brother and sister are asleep x

simon🔪: can't wait to facetime you later.

harry✨: so you're just assuming i'm going to do it?

simon🔪: well...yeah.

simon🔪: you're just as horny as i am, don't deny it.

harry✨: fine, i won't deny it.

simon🔪: glad we're on the same page x

simon🔪: now go spend some time with your siblings before you have to try to keep quiet around them xx

harry✨: okay, minter.

harry✨: don't be surprised if you can't call me later.

simon🔪: there's you denying it again, lewis.

harry✨: goodbye simon.

simon🔪: until later, bog.
read 6:01pm

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