you've got to be fucking kidding me

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simon arrived at harry's house, making a few remarks about how he was wearing a hoodie etc. - when he was literally doing the same thing.

they spoke in the car a lot more than they did the previous time, considering for some reason harry's voice had recovered.

"nice save with the hoodie"

"you're literally wearing one too"

"yeah? bad bad weather in london you know"

"oh fuck off simon"

"no can do, babe"

after five minutes or so, simon parked up outside of his house and they hopped out of the car, the front door already being unlocked so they just let themselves inside.

"took you two long enough! feel like i've been waiting for years"

"vik, we were literally like ten minutes"

"yeah and anyway, can't blame me for that, harry's fault, not mine"

"you were the one doing the driving, not me"

"still, has to be your fault some how"

"yeah yeah okay"

"oh hey harry, i see your voice is back, not had sex the past few days to recover it"


harry's cheeks flushed a bright pink colour, simon had to contain a laugh he desperately wanted to let out because the sight of harry being embarrassed was just too funny to him.

vik reached his hand out and slapped jj's arm, telling him off-
"don't say stuff like that jj! you hardly even know harry and you're already making him feel uncomfortable"

"no no, it's fine, just caught me off guard was all"

"plus i was literally joking, harry knew that!"

"yeah yeah, but think before you speak next time"

"oh i did think before i spoke"

"stop because i'll hit you again"

"oh no! vik i'm sure jj is really scared of a 5'6 man hitting him"

"i don't have the patience to deal with the two of you"

he walked off into the kitchen, grabbing his phone and a bottle of water out of the fridge, only offering harry a drink but the latter declining his offer as he wasn't really thirsty.

"fuck you vik"

"guests only, no pricks"

"i honour your kindness vikky"

"i take back what i said, all of you are pricks"

𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘯𝘶𝘥𝘦𝘴 // 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘸Where stories live. Discover now