the day after

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simon and harry had waited for a good half an hour, to clean themselves as best as they could and to catch their breaths back, before they went back downstairs to meet with the rest of the boys.
they weren't too worried about anyone realising they had been gone for too long, considering near enough everyone was completely off of their faces drunk. so, then just - not so - slyly mingled themselves back into the group, and began doing whatever the rest of them were doing.

the night kind of went on in a blur as more and more alcohol was consumed, people doing shots in a circle whilst others were way beyond the drunk stage and had just passed out at that point.
even simon, who for some reason could neck back shots like he was drinking a glass of water, was pretty much out of it.

not too long after vik had threw up on some stranger's lap, they all decided it'd probably be best for them to head back home.

"heading home so early boys?" they heard a voice call out, that sounded like a very very tipsy lux.

"it's like 4am idiot"

"yeah so early"

"i've had too much embarrassment today"

"you only threw up on a stranger's lap, not too bad"

"goodbye callux"

"why are you all leaving in a pact"

"no clue but bye"

they walked - trembled - outside, to be hit with an extreme cold and an extreme darkness. despite the alcohol still running through their veins, the cold hit some of them like it normally would, causing a few shivers to come out.

"it was nice meeting you harry, i learnt a lot about you in one night"

it was tobi, the only light shining on them was the dim moonlight, but still harry could see the slight smile on the other boy's face.

"things i'd rather you didn't learn"

"ah well, i'm sure most of them will forget by tomorrow"

"you really don't drink much, do you?"

"not really, no, so i'll probably remember everything"

"well shit"

he was interrupted from whatever he was going to say next, when he felt the flick of a finger come in contact with the side of his head-

"ow, what the fuck?"

"oh sorry haz, i really did not mean that"

"be glad the alcohol is numbing my pain"

"sounds deep," he chuckled a bit before continuing, "you staying with me, jj and vik or?"

"fuck off - if that's you inviting me, then sure. i'm not convinced i can walk straight enough to get back into my house"

"sounds familiar"

harry whipped his head around, staring in simon's eyes and hushing him, but thankfully tobi had stepped away and was attempting to make conversation with josh.

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