t w e n t y - f o u r

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simon🔪: i had fun earlier.

harry✨: well, of course you did you horny fucker.

simon🔪: just saying 🤷 we should meet up again soon.

harry✨: yeah, sure. when, where, who with? you're coming up with something, not me.

simon🔪: alright then. my house, in three days, just me and you.

harry✨: already inviting me to your house?

harry✨: fuck me you move fast.

harry✨: but yeah, sure.

simon🔪: sounds great then.

simon🔪: going to make a pot noodle, talk to you after xx

harry✨: goodbye simon.

simon🔪: in a bit, hazza.

harry✨: 😐
read 7:37pm

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