public bathroom

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harry put his phone down and looked up to vik,
"i need to use the toilet, i'll be back in a few minutes"
"a few minutes? have you got the shits or something?"
"haha very funny, don't leave without me"
"don't worry, i won't do"

he stood up and headed to the bathroom,
when he opened the door he was greeted by a man who was a lot taller than him.

"holy shit you're tall"

"and holy shit you're small, you're so fucking cute"

"your voice is really fucking deep too"

"you saying it's attractive?"

"as much as i hate to admit it, yes i am"


simon looked harry up and down, biting his lip in the process, then leaned in and kissed him.
the kiss was rough and passionate straight away, their teeth were clanking against each other's and their tongues were pressing against the other.
they walked backwards into a stall and harry was pressed against the wall,
simon's kisses started to go lower and lower on the boy in front of him, the latter moaning in response.

they knew they had to be quick, couldn't keep vik waiting too long.

simon bent harry over the toilet, thankfully it was quite a clean bathroom compared to any others either of them had seen before.
he shoved his pointer and middle finger in front of the boy, indicating him to suck on them, whilst he pulled down his joggers slightly and done the same with harry's.

once his fingers were spit-coated enough, he removed them from harry's mouth, saliva dripping from them, and pushed them into the smaller boy causing him to let out yet another moan.

simon finger-fucked harry for a good minute or so until the latter was loose enough for the former to remove said fingers snd replace them with his dick.

he slowly entered the boy in front of him, causing both of them to let out quite loud moans.
simon put one of his hands on harry's waist and the other over his mouth to muffle the boy's moans a bit.

it didn't hurt harry too much, the pain was overrun by pleasure almost instantly, fuck was simon good.

"holy fuck you feel so good babe"

"fucking hell simon, don't stop, don't fucking stop"

with that, he quickened up the past of his thrusts and both of them were moaning messes, even if they knew they had to be quiet every now and then both of them would let out moans that were a bit too loud but fuck they couldn't help it.

simon grabbed harry's hip with his right hand, keeping his left over the latter's mouth, and fucked into him so roughly and both of them were having the time of their lives.

at an all time high in the bathroom of a dainty little coffee shop whilst their friend waited for one of them drinking his tea.

after a few minutes, simon's thrusts became a lot more sloppy and they both knew that they were so close.
harry was panting and simon was doing his best to keep quiet.

"fucking hell simon i'm going to fucking cum oh my fucking god"

"do it for me baby, do it"

so on command, both of them did and simon pulled out, grabbing a bunch of tissues and wiping themselves down before pulling their joggers back up.

"what a nice first impression"

"definitely better than others i've had"

they shared one last small kiss, then harry walked out of the bathroom first, returning to vik who was sat with a cup of tea and a shortbread or something, waiting for his friend.

"what took you so long?"


"can men even get uti's?"

"i don't actually know"

"you confuse me sometimes bo- oh look! there's my friend simon"

harry looked up to see simon walking into the shop, smart, god knows how he snook out.

vik waved at simon, indicating him to come over, so he did and sat on the chair vik had pulled out for him.

"simon, this is harry and harry, this is simon"

simon looked the boy up and down, staring at the hickey that was forming then reached his hand over the table and shook harry's.

"nice to meet you harry"

"you too simon"

and when vik looked away for a second, simon winked at harry,
'this was going to fun'.

every now and then, one of them would either rub their foot against the other's leg or touch up the other's thigh with their hand, as they had gradually got closer to each other throughout the time they were all talking, which would cause an odd moan to slip out here and then.

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