t w e n t y - n i n e

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simon🔪: hey, babe.

harry✨: hey daddy ;)

simon🔪: trying to get me horny again?

harry✨: i might be 🤷🏻‍♀️.

simon🔪: remember, i know where you live now x

harry✨: good, now i'll know who to pinpoint it on if my house ever gets robs x

simon🔪: and why exactly would i rob your house?

harry✨: i don't know what you're into? might steal a strand of my hair or something.

harry✨: you gone?

simon🔪: oh, no! sorry! i was writing 'break into harry's house and steal a strand of his hair' down in my notes xx

harry✨: ha ha, very funny!

simon🔪: i know! i might apply to be a stand up comedian.

harry✨: i'm sure you'll get the job x

simon🔪: i'm sure i will xx

simon🔪: anyway, can't wait to next to see you or facetime you.

simon🔪: love hearing you moan my name <33

harry✨: goodnight simon.

simon🔪: what? am i not allowed to express my feelings???

harry✨: i can hardly talk and it's all your fault.

simon🔪: see that's where you're wrong.

simon🔪: you can't contain your moans ...

harry✨: okay whatever.

harry✨: still i wouldn't have been moaning in the first place if it wasn't for you.

simon🔪: glad i could make you moan babe x

simon🔪: just showed you enjoyed it 🤷🏻‍♀️

harry✨: i'm going to sleep, goodnight simon.

simon🔪: yeah okay whatever.

simon🔪: goodnight hazza xx

harry✨: 😐.
read 3:13am

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