Two for all..?

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'Did you give it to me?'

I couldn't outright ask as no one is supposed to know. Even if we both don't like All Might, we couldn't just talk about One for all like that. It would raise too many questions. I wait for Izuku to respond, but all he does is point back at me and shake his head.

'This is all you'

Well then. I can feel the smile creeping over my face. Time to kick this whores ass. If I've learned anything from stalking Izuku, it's that his quirk is meant to be used through all of your body, not just specific parts.

"What do you think Uraraka? How do you wanna go about this? You still wanna continue?"

I could see the inner turmoil in her eyes, but I refuse to acknowledge it. Midoriya is looking at me with those proud eyes. I can't let him down.

"Ya know, I don't know how you're doing this, but if you're anything like Deku, you're gonna break your bones, so all I have to do is outlast you!" Without warning, Uraraka came flying at me.

'Fine bitch, we will do this the hard way.'

*Izuku POV*

'I don't know how to react to this. Himiko is definitely using One For All right now, but I didn't transfer it. And I don't think this would be a quirk that could just be used without permission.'

I stare with wide eyes as Himiko begins her assault. At this point, she was getting the hang of using One For All. I could tell how she had studied me to be able to control it properly. However it did seem weird that while she was still "Me" and using my quirk, it had a color of its own. I can't help but wish that she could have One for All as well or a similar quirk as well.

I feel a jolt go through my entire body at once.

'What the... wait, don't tell me I-'

I charge up Full cowling to see if I had accidentally gave her the quirk. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, but Himiko seemed to have gotten stronger suddenly.

'What the heck is...' My thoughts are interrupted

"Midoriya. I must ask. Why did you consent to such a violent demonstration of power? It was very out of character for you." I turn to see Iida. I shrug.

"Honestly I was just ticked off. I mean, you all know what kind of person I am yet when something like this happens and I'm blamed, you go with it without having a second though. I guess I was just hurt. I mean you are all supposed to be my friends."

I can hear murmurs from the others. Then Asui speaks up. "I understand and that is fair, but what about Toga? What's her part in all of this?" I begin my explanation. "Toga is part of this due to some pent up anger. As it turns out, her feelings for me are genuine." I begin to look back. "When you think about it, it's actually-"

I stop, unable to speak. I'm given strange looks, but I don't focus on them as I'm trying to process how what I'm witnessing infront of me is possible. I see Toga, but it's actually Toga. She doesn't look like me anymore, but is still using my quirk.

"I'm tired of this!" As I hear her scream, I see her veins begin to glow red like mine. She lunges at Uraraka, her arm now pulled back ready to fire off at any moment.

'Crap doesn't she know that if she hits Uraraka with that punch it will kill her!? What's she thinking, and what's with that look in her eyes?'

Then it hits me. "Her eyes, they were just like..!"
Without thinking, I shoot forward, sticking my arm out with an open hand to catch her fist. Using full cowling, I shot out from around Uraraka and clashed with Toga.

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