One for All's Choice

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Aizawa PoV

I hear Izuku screaming in pain. I immediately stop what I am doing and with Toga at my side, I run to the dorms. What I see shakes me to my core. I see Todoroki pressing a flaming hand into Izuku's face. Before I can do anything, I am pulled by All Might.

"Izu!" Toga leaves my side to go get him. I don't care how she does it. I just want my problem child to be saved. Why couldn't I just have a normal class?

"What the hell are you doing! Do you know what they are doing to my problem child?" He looks at me.

"This is his punishment for beating Young Uraraka."

I'm silent. Of course, he wouldn't have known. He hasn't heard that we have proof it wasn't him, but I need to know a few things first. I take another look to see Toga has somehow managed to tie Todoroki up as well as knock out Bakugo.

'Wow. Even if she is a villain, she really cares about him.'

I can't help but grin knowing that someone else will be looking after my problem child. I then look at a knocked out Izuku. He has burn marks covering him, and the color is missing from his eyes and hair. I can't believe what I'm seeing but I force myself to ask.  "All right. What happened to Izuku's hair and eyes?"

"I took his quirk. I guess that was a side effect."

"I can't believe you Toshinori. He worked his ass off for that power, and you just took it away from him like that! Unbeliveable. It wasn't even him." I'm full of anger. No doubt Izuku expected All might to be the one person on his side. "I understand that you wouldn't have known, but it wasn't Izuku. It was Bakugo. Ms. Toga, who by the way just took out two of the top students and would definitely not hesitate to kill you right now, got the whole thing on camera. So I'm going to repeat that. It was Bakugo. And Uraraka knew it."

I can't tell what he's thinking as his face is unreadable. I turn to see Toga crying as she holds a knocked out Izuku. I then turn and see a knocked out Katsuki Bakugo and an Ochacho Uraraka leaving to go to her dorm. Then there's Todoroki and I'm shocked by what I see. He's tied up and out of the view of everyone else, and although he's not making a sound, tears are falling down his face.

'So he regrets what he did'

I chose to forgive him. I don't know what will happen next, but I know that I'm about to make them suffer as much as possible without getting fired. Bakugo, Uraraka... I hope you're prepared to go through hell.

Izuku PoV

I wake up floating in a void. Unsure of what is going on, I try to see if I can feel around and touch anything.

"Where am I? It's hot... wait no it's cold... What is going on?"

??? "I've been waiting for you to come here."

I turn around to see a woman with black hair.

"Who are you? Where am I?"

The woman puts on a serious face. "Kid, You're inside of One for All. As for me, I'm Nana Shimura, the seventh user of One for All." She flashes me a friendly smile. I look behind her to see 6 other users. "So are all the One for all users here? Because if so, where is All Might?"  Her smile vanishes. "Dunno kid. Usually, you only come here when you die but you aren't dead so don't worry. Anyway, what's your name kid?"

Ignoring the fact that I could be dead, He responded. "My name is Izuku Miydoriya"

Suddenly, She faced me with curiosity. "You wouldn't happen to know someone by the name of Inko, would you?" I looked at her and said, "Well actually my mom is named Inko so-"

I never got to finish my sentence.

I find myself in the air, Looking at a starry-eyed Nana Shimura. "Oh my god! You must be my grandson! I always wondered if little Inko had any kids!" I couldn't process this so I just accepted that this person is my grandparent and moved on.

Her face then shifted to one of anger. "So Toshinori not only wrongly accused you, took One for All from you, Hit you, and let the son of Endeavor burn you, but didn't remember that I told him that I had a daughter who had just gotten married and was named Inko Midoriya? I will be having quite a few words with him when he dies."

I then stopped her. "Wait, how am I here? One for all was taken from me, so how?"

"Don't worry I was getting to that. Anyway, what I wanted to tell you was that while One for All can't be forcefully taken, it can reject its user. That's what it did when my successor tried to take it back. Most of the side effects should be undone with a few days. You should wake up now. And tell Inko I wish I could've been there for her."

"Leave... Izu alone..."

I slowly open my eyes to see a light. Its too bright but I let my eyes adjust to it. I look to see a hospital bed and try to remember what happened.

"Oh yeah... Todoroki happened. Ugh, I don't know if I should forgive him or kick his ass when I see him." As I make an attempt to try to get up, I feel a tug on my hand.

"I won't.... let you take him..." I look down to see a girl with messy buns. She's sleeping but holding on to me with an iron grip. I gently tap her.

"Hey Toga, wake up" she doesn't show any physical sign of acknowledgement. I only know she heard be cause she said "I told you... call me Himiko.." I can't help but smile at the girl in front of me.

"You should probably let her sleep, she's earned it. You've been out for a solid 5 days. She hasn't left your side for anything other to go to the bathroom. We've basically been forcing her to eat and drink."

I look up to see Mr. Aizawa walking in with a little grin. "Is that so? I start to gently stroke Himiko's hair. She begins to smile. I really am beginning to like this girl. That's ok right? I mean she's not a villain anymore, but her feelings... are they really genuine or is it just her wishing she was like me. Now that I think of it, the only difference between us is that that while I had people to support me, she had no one. I'm snapped back into reality by Mr Aizawa speaking to me.

"So problem Child, what was the color loss about? Was that a side effect of... ya know." I gestures to a sleeping Toga, implying that he doesn't wanna risk it. "Oh yeah it's fine. I should have it back in full within a few days. Also she knows, but don't ask how. I think it's because of the stalking"

Aizawa had a confused look on his face so I explain further. "While I was in my little coma, you could say I met the Seventh. She told me that while It can not be taken forcefully, it is capable of rejecting someone. So when it was taken, it rejected the transfer, but in the process caused some side effects."

I could tell he was still confused but nodded. "You'll be happy to know that I am coming up with a very harsh punishment for your tormentors." I looked at him with a smile, but said "That won't be necessary. It's not with the trouble and it will just be a distraction that I don't need right now. I'll make them believe with my actions. And if that doesn't work, I'll use force. And if THAT doesn't work, then you can use your plan."

With that, he smiled and walked away. As soon as he was out of range, I let my smile vanish. I took a deep breath in and sighed. This was going to be a long week.

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