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I woke up in my room to see a half-naked Himiko holding me into her chest. Instantly, Being the gentleman I am, I free my arm and grab her perfect and beautiful breas-

/Take two/

I woke up in my room to see a half-naked Himiko holding me into her chest. Instantly, Being the gentleman I am, I free my arm and try to push myself away, only to be pulled in closer. I hear a camera click. I turn to me my mom with a devilish grin in her eyes.

I instantly know she's behind this. Toga isn't walking up no matter what I do. I think to try something.

"Toga, we need to go if we want to try to convince Principal Nezu to let you be a hero."

Her eyes shoot open as she pulls me into a deep and passionate kiss. I hear another camera click. But I'm too shocked to react.

"Hurry up Izu we need to go!" She says it with a grin comparable to a child on Christmas. I can only wonder what I have gotten myself into.

"Toga! what was tha-" She cuts me off.



"I want you to call me Himiko, ok?"

I stood there, dazed. "Wait, Why?" She scoffed. "Ya know, I'm starting to think that Deku means dense, not defenseless." I won't lie, It kinda hurt me. I put my head down. "I'm sorry..." Himiko suddenly had a look of regret in her eyes. "Wait no, Izuku I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you!" I grinned and looked at her with a smile. "Okayyyy!" I could tell she was confused and when she processed what had just happened, she couldn't help but giggle.

"As punishment, you will carry me to UA. I can't exactly just walk up to the gates alone."

I told my mother goodbye then I use Full cowling to get to school on time. When I'm seen with Toga, I am Immediately stopped. Before anyone has a chance to do anything, I get into a fighting position while holding Himiko close. "Wait! She's not here to cause any trouble!"

"I think you're the one causing trouble. Why this early in the morning problem child?"

I see Aizawa walking towards me. "Well, I wouldn't be your favorite if I wasn't forcing you to actually be involved in something now would I?" We can't help but smile. "While I won't deny that, I do need an explanation for as to why you are walking to a hero school with a villain."

"Alright. Remember a few days ago when I found out Uraraka was using me to get closer to Bakugo?  Well, that's when it started."

I continued to tell my story. Once I was done, Aizawa then asked me a strange question. "Speaking of Uraraka, you didn't hit her did you?" I looked back, dumbfounded. "No sir! I was mad but I would never do anything like that!" He simply nods as Himiko walks up to him and shows him something on her phone that makes him extremely upset.

"Thank you for showing me. I'll make sure he's punished."

I walk up to Himiko. "What was that about?" She just blushes and says "I'll tell you later."

They take me to Nezu. After some questioning about Toga, Nezu agrees and we can't help but smile at each other. Today is a great day

Or so I thought. I spoke too soon.

As soon as I open the door to the dorm, I am pinned to the ground.

"How could you!" I hear Kirishima yell. I am blindfolded and pinned to the wall. "Wait what are you all doing? What is going on?"

Todoroki then speaks up. "Midoriya, don't pretend like you don't know. Your actions were bad enough, but trying to act as you don't know? You're worse than my father. and for that, you shall receive punishment." I feel my shirt being undone.

"Wait Todoroki don't!"

He suddenly stops. I can hear all those who are present gasp. I feel him tracing the lines along my stomach and back. "Izuku... Where did you get these scars?" Mina asks in a frightened voice. She sounds like she's going to break into tears.

"Bakugo gave them to me when we were little. He bullied me for being quirkless." Suddenly I'm punched in the gut by Kirishima. "Lying ain't Manly! Bakubro's aggressive sure, but he would never do something like that!" I cough up some blood.

'But he literally tried to kill me on the first day!' I keep this to myself as I am not trying to start that argument.

"Why are you doing this? What did I do!" Suddenly a voice comes through the room. "Young man, I need to talk to you alone." I follow All Might into the halls.

"Sir please, can you tell me what is going on?" he turns around and I am met with a punch across the face.

"Sir what was that for!" He glares at me "I thought you were a worthy successor but I'm sorry. I can not have someone who would hit a girl for breaking up with him as a wielder of One for All. You are not a worthy successor."

I stand there.  I don't know what's going on anymore but I know it isn't right. All Might doesn't listen to me so I don't have a choice. I remove a piece of my hair and give it to him.

'I don't want him to have it! he doesn't even know the full story. If anything he's the one who isn't worthy.'

Without warning, My hair and eyes begin to lose their color as if it was being drained. Panicking, I use Full Cowling to see if I can make it stop, but It only speeds up the process. With tears in my eyes, I look at All Might. Then with nothing to say, I walk away.

"Young man what do you think you are doing?" Turning back around, I glare at him. "Anyone who not only hits someone but also takes their quirk for something they didn't do without any proof Isn't worthy of my time, Or a quirk!" I walk away but I'm grabbed by Todoroki, pinned against the wall again, and as he lights his hand on fire, I already know where this is going. I accept it. I then look straight into his eyes. His look doesn't match his actions.

His eyes look confused, saying 'Please! give me a reason to believe you didn't do anything!' But there was nothing I could've said at that moment. So I closed my eyes and waited for it to be over.

"I hope you're happy Katsuki," I say this with venom behind my voice. He turned surprised like he was expecting something else. "This is what you wanted right? Actually, I have a better idea. we should all fight to the death. It's not like you all don't want to kill me right now with those looks you are giving me, and I know Katsuki would love to see it. After all, before we came to Ua, You told me if I wanted a quirk so badly that I should take a swan dive off the roof." The entire class gasps, Unsure of who to believe.

I then turned to Todoroki. "Hurry up and just do it." His eyes were full of fear and confusion. It was strange to see him showing so many emotions. The last thing I remembered was a flaming hand touching my face, and heard a girl's voice yell "Izu!" Then everything was black.

So... kinda started re writing the whole thing. Fun🙂

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