The day Izuku Midoriya fought back

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Izuku Pov

About 2 hours later, Himiko was still asleep. Then again, I was told she was awake by my side. I laid back down as to not wake her up. "What am I going to do..? I know what happened wasn't my fault. but I don't understand. Why didn't anyone try to stand up for me? Why am I always trying to be happy when nothing good comes from it. Why do I keep forgiving Bakugo even though he put me through a living hell! Why am I always the one who has to deal with other people's mistakes! Why me!?"

"It's because that's who you are." I was surprised to see Himiko, still holding my hand and leaning against my hospital bed and giving me a cute smile.

"What do you mean that's who I am?" She shakes her head and gives me a look that makes me think I'm about to be lectured.

"Well my child, You are what we would call a cinnamon roll. you are the most innocent kind of person that could exist, but that also makes you an easy target. I assume your bully takes advantage of this, and the situation and how you left all made it seem like you had something to hide. Because of that, no one had a reason to believe you. Now we can do it my way and have any doubt of you removed, or we could do it your way and have you prove them wrong."

She says that with a "You have a cute plan but it's so stupid" look. It makes me laugh. "Ya know, I get the feeling you have a 3rd idea." She gives me a devilish grin. "I do, and I think it will be not only fun and entertaining but it will also show that you're not only the cinnamon roll everyone thinks you are."

"I'm listening..."

Her smile only grows as she whispers in my ear.

I stare at her amazed "Are you serious?! Mr. Aizawa will never approve of that!"

*The next day*

"Holy shit, I totally approve of that"

I stare at my teacher dumbfounded. "Seriously?" He puts on his shitfaced grin. "Of course! I'm always down to see you wipe the smug faces off those bastards. We will do it in a month. Let me inform All might."

*To make a long f*cking story short, All might threw a tantrum and was not 'All right' with it claiming that with all the training they would do in that time, the embers would be long gone. Little did the idiot know.*

For that month, Izuku trained like hell for the event. And oh boy did it pay off.

*A month later, ground beta*

"Aizawa why are we here? And where is Deku?" Momo said that last part with a disgusted expression like it pained her to say it. Himiko giggles. "Why are you laughing villain?"

"Don't you know it's rude to talk about someone who's listening?" without warning, I jumped out of hiding, put a giggling Himiko on my back, and yelled "Detriot smash 30%!" with that, Everyone but Bakugo, Uraraka, and Todoroki were blown away, some even being knocked out. "Todoroki your first, and for your sake, I hope you learned something about hurting people. After all, it seems to kinda run in your family."

He flinched. "What did you just say?" He lit ablaze with flames so hot they shifted into a blue hue. 'Good, he took the bait.'

I smirked. "Oh, I think you heard me. Now come at me Zuko. Come and get  your honor." Himiko howled with laughter as Aizawa was rolling on the floor, trying to breathe after wheezing so hard. "I will make you pay!"

Todoroni charged in like a total idiot, just as I thought he would. "Hold on Tight Himi," I can feel her kicking her legs like an excited child. "Kayyyy!" She said while wrapping her arms around me.

"Full Cowling 40%!" I scream as I charge at Todoroki and send a kick 12 meters in front of him. This not only caused his flames to rise and prevent him from being able to attack me but also caused him to fly into a building, knocking him out. I ran over to him and picked him up. "Sorry Todoroki, I know you didn't want to do it and regret your actions, but I have to prove a point here."

I set him down by the rest of the class. "Alright, I'm done warming up Aizawa! I'm ready for the main event!" I then turn to Katsuki "Now listen here you little shit. I am now longer Deku to you. I am your superior, and the one who's gonna kick your ass with a girl on my back. So it's time you burn the name of the person who beat you and becomes the No.1 -, no. Not just number one, I will become the greatest Hero. I am Izuku Midoriya!"

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