Welcome home.

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Izuku Midoriya collapsed as he walked through the door way.
      "Papa, you showed them!" She giggled and squealed full of happiness. Midoriya just sighed, embarrassed of what had just happened. As Eri ran off into this new house, Izuku remained face down on the floor.
      "Welcome home, Izuku~" he looked up to see Toga standing above him. "Woah.." he muttered to himself. There she stood, in a cute apron. He couldn't help but stare.
(Incase you were wondering what she looked like)

 (Incase you were wondering what she looked like)

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     "Sooo... you just gonna sit there or..?" She giggled as she said that. Midoriya snapped out of his trance, and as he did, he came to his senses. "Hey, wait a moment... how did you-?" A voice behind him cut him off. "Izuku..?"
    He turned around to see his mother Inko. "Mom.. I-" he stuttered. Thinking back, he knew he had just talked to his mother, but this Inko.. this wasn't the same one he knew. This one had yet to get over her regret and sadness, as well as spent her time stressing and worrying over her son. Izuku began to speak, but Inko interrupted him.
    "You.. you're also from the future, aren't you?" He stood slack jawed while his mother smiled. "What? You think I wouldn't notice the physical difference in my son? How silly of you. What kind of mother-" she stopped as he pulled her into a hug. It was a few moments before any words were said.
    "I've... really missed you mom. So much has happened, so much I have to tell you, so much that-!" She rubbed her hand through his hair. "I know.. I knew you weren't always honest with me about these." She gently rolls up his sleeve to show the slight discoloration and bruises. "You have stories from the past.. and future to tell me from the looks of it." She pulled back as she rubbed her hand against a small section of scarred skin, seemingly from burns. Izuku chuckled, fighting back tears. "You have no idea..." Inko turned to Himiko, who was back in the kitchen. "I assume you can handle this while I talk to my son?" Himiko simply smiled and nodded knowingly. With that, Inko and Izuku stepped into the living room, leaving Himiko alone in the kitchen. Or at least she would be, if not for the shy Eri peeping around the corner.

    "Hey.. I know you're there little one, I promise I won't hurt you." Despite Himiko's soft voice, Eri couldn't help but jump. Himiko turned to her with a smile, but as Eri began to shake, she pressed her lips together to hid her fangs but maintain a smile. Eri slowly seemed to ease up, and came from around the corner of the counter to approach her. Toga gasped while still being cautious about her fangs. "Oh my gosh, you look so cute! That green hair looks so good on you."
   Eri gave an embarrassed look before speaking up. "Thank you.. papa wanted to.. surprise me with a gift." Toga smiled and rubbed her hair. Eri flinched, but after a moment, she slowly closed her eyes and relaxed. "Im sorry.. I didn't mean to be rude." Eri spoke softly. "Hey, it's ok. I can imagine how scary it would be to see me, and I also want you to know that from now on, my goal is to keep you safe no matter what ok? You don't have to like me immediately, I know it's not easy. But just know, I wanna protect you. I wanna be there for you, and..." she stood up and walked to the fridge. As Eri looked on in curiosity, Toga finally felt comfortable to smile without hiding her fangs. She grabbed an apple before putting a stick in the middle and dipping it into a coat of sugar. After a few seconds, she turned and bent to Eri's level. "I wanna spoil you too!" She beamed a smile at the child, and this time, she smiled back, seemingly unafraid. She reached out to grab it. She looked at it before biting into it with hesitation. However, one bite was all it took.
     Beaming from ear to ear, Eri smiled as wide as she could. "It's delicious!" Toga couldn't help but smile with her. As she went back to cooking, Eri spoke up again. "You.. said you wanna be like papa?" Toga let out a giggle. "Yep! Your papa is an amazing person. I wanna be just like him. And I want you to see me like you can see him, ya know? I want you to feel safe and loved."
     Eri was silent. "Im sorry.. but you can't be papa.." Toga's smile left her face. She knew to expect as much, but hearing her say that still stung a little. Still, she continued cooking and simply said "I understand." Eri continued to speak however.
    "But.. maybe you could be a mama..?" She said shyly. Himiko perked up at this and turned to Eri. "Oh, no! Im sorry, I didn't mean to upset you, please don't cry!" Himiko took a moment to blink, before realizing that her vision was blurry. "Im.. I'm sorry, haha, I didn't realize I was crying. I promise I'm not upset.. I'm just so happy!" As she finished cooking, she turned off the heat and fell to her knees. She held her hands out, welcoming Eri. "Could mama have a hug?" She asked silently. Eri said nothing, but slowly began taking steps towards her. However, rather than letting Toga hold her, it was Eri who held Toga.
    "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to be rude when I judged you earlier. It was mean and I don't wanna be mean..." Toga began to silently quake in the small child's arms, who could barely reach around her sides. "I think... I think your fangs are cool! And.. I think you'll be a great hero, mama!" Toga's heart skipped a beat as she heard that. As she wrapped her arms around Eri and began to sob, Eri simply smiled. She held her and let herself be held. "I forgive you mama. I know you're not evil." Toga smiled. She wiped away her tears and said "And you're an amazing child Eri. You're wonderful and deserve the world. And I'll do my best to give it to you!" After that, nothing more was said. Neither of them needed to say anything. After all, this moment is what they both desperately needed. After a few minutes, they released their embrace. Himiko got up to set up the table, but turned to Eri. "Im gonna set up ok? If you'd like I can come back and get you. We can go meet your new Grandma together!" Eri smiled and nodded enthusiastically. And with that, their bond had begun. And was already strong.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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