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"Return by willpower!" He yells, opening a small little rift in Izuku's room. "Oh yeah and before you go.." he hands Himiko a paper. "I trust you know what to do. People will have a lot of questions with a look alike running around.." Himiko's eyes dilate as she realizes what he means, but before anything else can be said, the man yells. "Oh! Almost forgot, the name is Natsuki Subaru and don't you forget it. Have fun!"

As the two are sucked into a void of light, Subaru readied himself as another figure comes flying out. Catching him, sets the boy down. "Huh? Where am I? Who are you? How did I even-"

"I'm sorry!" Subaru said as he knocks the boy out. Slinging him over his shoulder, he pressed a button on his phone. A few seconds later, a portal opens up and he steps through. The room on the other side is dark and very cold. "Natsuki Subaru." A voice rang out. "Did you bring me what I asked?"

Stepping forward and setting Midoriya on a chair, he then looked up with aggression. "Yes. I've done as I was told, now give her back."

"My my, such a nasty temper. And I asked such a simple question." The man waved his hand as a portal opened up, dropping a girl with blue hair to the ground with a thud. "Rem!" Subaru ran to the girl, picking her up. "Su.. baru?" She spoke weakly, which only ignited Subaru's anger and rage even more. "You bastard! One day I swear you'll get what you deserve." The man chucked. "Yes, yes. Whatever makes you happy. I'd leave before he wakes up though. I'd hate to imagine what he'd do to you."

Filled with rage, he did as he was told, carrying the girl with him. After he left, it was silent. The man patiently waited for Izuku to wake up. After a few minutes, he did. "Hey wait, how did I.." he looked up at the man In front of him before. "W-Who are you?"

The man said nothing at first, he just smiled. "You don't know me but I know you... Izuku Midoriya, successor of One For All." Beginning to shake, Midoriya stood up and attempted to get into a fighting stance. "W-well what do you want?" His voice was shaking as well as his legs. The man slowly started to approach Izuku. The boy tried backing up, but fell due to his legs not wanting to move. "Relax young man, I just wish to show you something."

Putting his hand up to the young mans face, he touched his forehead and Izuku began to thrive in pain. "Ah! What- What did you do to me!" Holding his head in pain, weird images flowed. "Those aren't just random images Izuku, they're memories. Yours from a few months in the future to be exact."

"Ah.. ugh.." Midoriya slowly steadied himself before standing up straight. "I.. everyone. They all abandoned me. They didn't even hear me out! They.. They betrayed me."

The man simply smiled. "That is true. However-" Izuku cut him off. "Look, if you're asking me to work for you, I'll do it. If anything, these memories have shown me that heroes aren't what I thought they were, and the next generation doesn't seem to be much better. If you plan on changing this society, you have my full cooperation."

Smiling, the man continued. "While it is nice to know see eye to eye, what I was going to say was they did indeed betray you. All that is, except for one." Stepping to the side, behind the man stood Himiko Toga. "She has not the memories you do of course. Now you can mold her into the most effective and efficient parter for you."

Walking towards her, Izuku spoke. "They ruined you. They couldn't see your full capabilities like me, but I will bring out your full potential." As he reached for her face, he felt a slight sting in the side of his own.

"Don't touch me." Toga said, eyeing him up and down before resting on his face and his cut, a slight blush forming on her face. "Ya know, you're kinda cute when you're covered in blood." Putting his thumb up to his cut, he wiped the dripping blood before taking his thumb and placing it over Toga's lips. "So do you." Izuku said, staring straight into her eyes. With a heavy blush spreading across her face, the girl backed down, officially willing to work with this boy.

"Now that you two are aquatinted, let me introduce myself. I am All for One. And from now on, you two will be working for me." A grin spread across their faces and they looked at each other and spoke in unison.

"So when do we start?"

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