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"Meet me at the beach, we need to talk."

Midoriya's blood ran cold. Of course he knew he'd have to explain eventually, but he didn't expect it to happen so soon. 'Fuck' he thought to himself. 'How can I even tell him. I can't even begin to explain how I've gotten here. Not to mention how I've begun to master OFA.. and Oh god. Himiko is another story all together! I don't know-'

The boy thoughts were cut off when he felt a slight pain in his collar bone. Tilting his head, he was met by the sight of Himiko sucking some blood. He scowled.

"Himiko didn't you just take some of my blood? Also this is embarrassing... everyone is staring." Everyone was looking, many thoughts running through their head. With slurred words, Himiko replied "look, I 'ont know what ya problem is. Itz for emergency. This for personal reasons." Izuku with no way of making the girl back down, he simply looked down at the phone and replied.

"Yes sir"


"So... I imagine have questions..." Izuku nervously stated while Himiko, swimsuit and all, was just enjoying herself floating in the water. All might sighted. "I.. where do I even begin? How is this possible. How did you gain such control over OFA in such a short time?"

Midoriya sighed. "All right all might, this is gonna sound crazy but promise me you'll believe me, ok?" All Might nodded. Izuku took a deep breath in before speaking. "I'm not from this time. In fact I'm from the future. Like 4 or 5 months in the future. And I ran into a guy who sent me back here."

All Might stared back at the boy, unsure about if the story he just told was true, but realized the more he thought about it, the more it made sense. "O-okay, That I can believe. But what I also need an explanation for is her. All Might pointed in the direction of Himiko, who now just laid down in the sand staring up into the sky full of stars. "She came back with me. She's my.. She's.. I don't even know right now. Sometimes I don't know how to feel towards her. Like at some moments I feel like I'm in danger but at others, I want to hold onto her and never let go and I-"

"Young Midoriya, as nice as that sounds what I need explained is her quirk." Izuku who had gotten lost in his speech stuttered. "Ah.. right. We don't have time for the full story, but basically OFA copied and pasted itself onto her. I know it sounds crazy but you gotta- All Might?"

*All Might.EXE has stopped working*


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