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UA dorms- 3:30, Izuku PoV

"I can't believe this! You're such a horrible person!" Filled with rage and trying to hold back tears, I storm out of the room and head towards the living room and kitchen

"Izuku Midoriya, please refrain from yelling inside!" I turn to see Tenya Iida getting up and flailing around with his hands.

"Iida please leave me alone. I am not in a good mood." I don't stop walking the entire time I say this.

"Woah Midoriya, You ok? That wasn't very manly of you to yell at Iida like that." Kirishima looks at me with concern.

"Probably because he got dumped." I stop walking and turn to see Kacchan laying on the couch with a smug grin.

"You knew about this, didn't you?" I cant stop myself. My rage begins to overtake me as It all starts to click together. I was so focused I hadn't even realized he had started to walk to me. He Whispers into my ear.

"Of course I knew about it. Who do you think put her up to it?" I can't handle it anymore. Without thinking, I use a 15% Detroit smash before activating Full cowl and running to get my hero suit. As I'm running I pass All might.

"Young man, what are you doing?" Before he can ask any more questions I yell "I'm in a bad mood so I'm going out to patrol!" The old man just sighs as I continue to run. I was completely unaware that I was being watched.

??? Po- ugh cut the crap you know it's Toga.

"Poor Izu. He doesn't deserve that. Stupid girl doesn't know what she's losing." I stand watching as my little Izu runs down the hall. I hear him yell "I'm in a bad mood so I'm going out to patrol!" I clap my hands together excitedly. "Oh I knew it would be worth risking it today! I think I can take is mind off that thot... and i know exactly how to do it."

XXX City- 4:45, Izuku Pov

I continued to stroll the back allies as I try to distract myself with hero work, stopping minor villains in the process but it doesn't work. I'm about go back to Ua when I hear a familiar voice.

"Hey Izuuuu~" Instintivly, I activate Full cowling to jump to the roof.

"Awww are you happy to see me Izu?" I don't give a response. "Toga, I'm not in a good mood right now, and I'd rather not waste time. So you either come with me quietly, Or I make you come."

Her face turns as red as my shoes, confusing me. "What was it? Did I say something?"

"Wow Izu.. I had no idea you could be so forceful. As much as I would enjoy the 2nd option, how about I offer a 3rd? Lets play a little game of hide and seek. Ready? Go!"

"What do you mean you'd enjoy the second optio- Hey wait!" I give chase after Toga, jumping from roof to roof. Surpisingly, she's very agile.

'I know shes a villain, but her technique is flawless and her agility is admirable'

"Izu if you keep staring at me like that, I might get the wrong idea!" Coming back to my senses, I grit my teeth and increase the percentage of One for All. But I can't help but smile. This is just what I needed.

XXX City-6:00

I'm getting tired. I don't know how she can keep it up for this long. Coming to a stop, I inhale to fill my lungs with air. I hear a giggle and look up to see Toga with her back to me facing the sunset. "Toga I-" I'm cut of by her question

"Do you feel any better?" She turns to face me with an innocent, but genuine smile.

"What to do you mea-" I stop as I realize. I went patroling to take my mind off Uraraka. "Toga, how did you know about that?"

She starts to tap her pointer fingers together in a cute but embarrassed way. "I may or may not have been there when it happened." I was speechless. 'We really need to upgrade security' I kept it to myself as Toga continued to talk. "So when I heard you say that you were going out for a patrol, I wondered and thought maybe I could take your mind off of it. I don't like seeing you sad so I came up with this idea, and here we are."

I was shocked. This girl, who is a villain none the less, cared about his happiness so much that she put herself in danger of being caught just to make me happy. But something still didn't make sense to me. "Toga, why do you care so much?" I could tell she was caught off guard by my question.

"What do you mean?" She stood there with a confused look on her face. "Well, I know you stalk me, and I know that's how you knew I was going on patrol. What I don't understand is why. Why do you stalk me? Why do you care? Why do you put yourself in danger of being caught and sent to prison just to make me happy?" She just smiled.

"I guess it's because love makes you do crazy things, right? Also I do have a reason but it's a long story." I sat down and said "If it's for this I have time."

She took a breath and said "Well-" She never got to finish that sentence. My phone started vibrating. I give her an apologetic look as i take it out to see multiple text messages from my classmates, and 3 missed calls from "The All-Mighty Papa"

Well crap. I look at Toga who just gives me a curious look. I sigh, knowing I might regret this later. "Alright, here's the deal. I still want to hear what you have to say, but I need to go. I'd ask for your number but you already have mine, dont you?" She shyly nods. "Well nothing I can do about it now. Tell me when you wanna finish that story. " She just stared at me as I walked away.

"So let me get this straight. You're going to let me, a villain, just leave and act like nothing happened? Not very becoming of a hero in training." I stopped walking and simply put my hands behind my head. "Well It would be such a shame if the villain I spent about 2 hours chasing were to suddenly vanish while I wasn't looking..." I hear a giggle and suddenly feel something soft on my right cheek. I open my eyes and see Toga pulling her face away from mine. My face turns red.

"Thank you Izuku. I'll see you later." She then vanishes into the sunset. I can't help but look back.

UA dorms-7:05

I open the door to find all of my classmates sitting in the living room and kitchen.

Class 1-A "Midoriya!"

I'm bombarded with questions as to where I was and what I was doing. Then something unexpected happened.

"Dude, did something happen while you were gone?" I turn to Kaminari confused. "No, why do you ask?"

"Well you walked out of here super pissed, but now you have this huge smile on your face. It's even brighter than normal!" I looked in the nearest reflective surface.

"Huh... would you look at that. I am."

While the rest of the class talked to Izuku, Bakugo and Uraraka slipped away.

Baka-go's PoV

"Ugh! I don't understand! He should be crying in his room, Not looking happier than ever."

"Well what do you want to do now?" Uraraka spoke up.

"Well roundface. I, Kastuki Bakugo, have a Dre-"

/Take two/

"Well roundface, I have an idea but it might be a little painful."

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