Shopping day

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"Hey Eri, it's ok. I promise she won't hurt you."

Izuku Midoriya was comforting his now daughter as she cried into this arms, still slightly shaking. "B-But she's scary!" She said in between sobs. Midoriya couldn't help but chuckle to himself. Leaving the UA gates, he stopped and set Eri down before getting on his knees to be eye level. "Hey, that's not a very nice thing to say. I know she can be scary, but she's not a bad person. It's not good to judge people by their looks." Midoriya paused. Then he continued.

"Here, look at this." He tapped the stub of her horn. "This is just your quirk right?" She nodded and he continued. "Well, someone who didn't know could be scared of you and think you were a demon because of it. You wouldn't feel good if someone thought something bad because of your quirk, would you?"

Eri sniffled. "N-no, my feelings w-would be hurt." She wiped away the tears that were in her eyes before looking down. Midoriya continued. "See? That's how Himiko feels when you judge her for her fangs. It's just a part of her quirk that she can't really control." He trailed off.

"Eri, I don't know what happened, but I promise you she's not the the same person who you think she is. Just give her a chance, ok?" Eri simply nodded, before holding onto Izuku

Musutafu Shopping district- 3:00 PM

Izuku had no idea what he was doing. He had been running around trying to get everything for Eri. He was taken out of his thoughts when Eri tugged on his shirt. "Hey papa..?" She spoke in her soft toned voice. "Huh? what is it Eri?" She pointed to a girl and her father. "They have matching hair." Izuku chuckled. "Yeah, see kids are made up of their parents DNA. So they have similarities." Eri stayed silent, before staring at Izuku's hair. Then she looked at him and said "I wish I had matching hair with papa..."

Izuku felt his heart skip a beat. "I... wait! I have an idea. Close your eyes ok?" Hesitantly, Eri nodded before taking off at speed with Izuku. it was an oddly calming feeling for Eri. She found herself drifting off as Izuku made his way to his destination.

"Eri? Hey Eri, Wake up!" Her eyes flew open as she was instantly awake. "Hey, hey. calm down Eri, Its ok. I'm here." She looked up and saw Izuku looking at her with a smile next to someone shed never seen before. "Wha.. what happened?" she mumbled. Izuku smiled at her, Why dont you look in the mirror?" She turned to the side, and that's when she got a good look at herself.

She reached up to her eye, and then her hair. "Soooo? what do you think?" Izuku asked with a smile. "I look like papa... I look like papa!" she jumped out of her chair and ran to him. "Thank you so much papa!"

After a long day of shopping, Izuku took a moment to relax

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After a long day of shopping, Izuku took a moment to relax. He patted his pocket to see if he had his wallet. When he didn't have it, he panicked. He did an inventory check before realizing he was missing the most important thing. "Ah, well. Can't have everything, I guess. All I'm really losing is my hoodie, some books, and- MY DAUGHTER!!!" In the distance, he heard a scream and without hesitation, he darted at full speed.

"l-leave me alone!" Eri stood shaking, as three older kids stood Infront of her and began pushing her around. "Look at this freak!" Another one chimed in. "Yeah, Look at her eyes and hair. So weird!" The third kid laughed. As one raised their hand ready to punch, they were suddenly sent flying by a streak of green. "GET. AWAY. FROM MY DAUGHTER." Izuku shouted with lighting surrounding him. Eri stood behind him and looked up to Izuku.

"Papa... He's so cool!" She said with a smile so bright, even the sun was put to shame.

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