A new chapter

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"So... that happened."

Izuku and Himiko both stood outside shocked, a nervous Eri latched onto Izuku's leg.

"Um.. well I guess we have a kid! 1 point to me, 0 to Ochako!" Himiko couldn't help but applaud herself. Izuku sighed. "Really? I doubt now is an appropriate time for this."

Izuku was snapped out of his thoughts by a small tug on his pants. "Hmm? What is it Eri?" The girl was silent for a moment, before speaking up in a small voice. "Y-you're not leaving me are you? I.. P-please don't l-leave me.."

"Hey! Hey calm down, it's ok! Im not leaving you, it's the opposite actually.." Izuku spoke down to the child, who now had a small stream of tears flowing down her face. "Aww jeez, I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to scare you. But like I said. Im not leaving you, it's the opposite." He reached down to pick her up.

The child began to take deep breaths in and looked up at Izuku. "W-what do you mean?" She said between sniffles. "Well, it's my job to take care of you now!" Eri began to calm down more so. "Take.. care of me?"

Izuku smiled warmly. "Yeah! So I'll always be there for you, like a guardian." Eri stayed silent. "So.. like a papa?" The boy stood there in thought. "Well.. yeah pretty much. I am your papa now, so don't worry! I'll never leave you. You'll be safe with me ok?"

Once more, the child began to tear up before shoving her face into his chest, quietly sobbing. The boy could do nothing but rub her head and whisper "It's ok now. No one will harm you again."

Once Eri had calm down. She then turned towards Himiko, who had stood there in silence. She flashed a wide smile at Eri in hopes of seeming friendlier to the child.

A/n :Oh Himiko, you poor soul...

Despite her good intentions, the child stared at her in fear. It took all but one glance at her fangs before the poor girl began to shake and cry again. Izuku, not understanding what to do in this situation, thought it would be best if Himiko have Eri a little space. Begrudgingly, she complied.


Izuku's home, Himiko.

Himiko Toga can be what most refer to as an airhead. More often than not, she is forgetful. So imagine the surprise of Inko Midoriya when she opened her door to see a young blonde on her couch, waving at her like an old friend. "Hey Mrs. Midoriya! Did you find everything at the store alright?"

The poor woman stared in shock and confusion. "I.. I'm sorry.. have we met before?" She said with a confused smile. "Oh! That's right, you don't know me yet. My name is Himiko Toga, I'm a friend of Izuku's from the future! He calls me his 'self proclaimed girlfriend' but I'm sure that we will get past that in the future."

"I.. I see..." Inko had a lot to process at the moment. Sure this girl knew her son, but she was from the future? And girlfriend.. did her son have a girlfriend!?

"Hey, I see you got rice, pork cutlets, eggs... by chance are those ingredients for Katsudon?" Inko snapped out of her thoughts. "Um.. we'll yes actually. I wanted to make a special meal for Izuku. And I thought this was the best way considering-"

"Katsudon is his favorite, right?" Inko stated at the girl who had a smile on her face. "Y-Yes. It is. Did he tell you that?" The girl turned to Inko, a flustered look forming on her face. "Well.. no not directly, it was more of putting clues together. Back in middle school, he used to always walk home and talk about the things he looked forward to. And more often than not, he said "I can't wait for moms cooking."

Inko stared at the girl. It's strange. Just a moment ago this child was a stranger, but now she feels like...

"Hey Toga, was it?" Inko snapped the girl out of her thoughts. "Would you like to help me prepare dinner for Izuku?" Himiko stared with a blank face, that quickly formed into a bright smile, amplified by her sharp fangs. "Yes! I'd love nothing more!"

Inko smiled as she squinted her eyes. "Cute... but too bright!"


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