Himiko vs Ochako

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"Come on Himiko, we have things to do."

She didn't move. "Let me fight her. I have a few things to say that I want to get off of my chest." He sighed knowing he couldn't stop her. "Alright fine. No weapons though."

"but take this." Izuku threw Himiko a vile with a small amount of red liquid.

"K, before we get started, I have a few things to say to the Thot." Uraraka took a step back, absolutely appalled that the girl in front of her would have the audacity to say that to her.

"Thot? I'm the thot? I'm not the one who seduced a boy at his lowest moment. If I'm thot a thot, then you're a whore." Attention turned to Izuku who had begun to shoot off green electricity around him. "Hey Izu calm down, I'm fine. It will take more than words to get to me. Now back to you. Can you please stop talking? I'm getting tired of looking at that thing you call a face." Himiko smirked as she could tell she was getting to Uraraka. "You're one to talk. Have you seen yourself? Why would anyone want a girl who has scars and bruises over her body? That's kinda a turn-off."

'Oh shit. Well, she's dead.' Izuku sighed as the rest of 1-A was being entertained by the chick fight.

"What did you say? You talk to me about having scars and bruises on my body when you are the one who purposely put them on yours? Interesting. Also not to mention that even if my body is a turn-off, at least I am capable of maintaining a relationship." Uraraka's face made something of a pained expression.

'This is getting out of hand' thought all of 1-A. Midoriya and Aizawa both pulling out sleeping bags and falling asleep the moment they hit the ground as they already knew the outcome of the battle.

"Can you shut your mouth and fight me?" Himiko got into a fighting stance before shooting back a response. "What's wrong? Did I strike a nerve? Ya gonna go crying to your mama and papa?"

'Oh well now she's gone and done it'

"Well, at least I have parents that loved me. ya know, the kind that takes care of you, gives you a place to live... oh wait, you wouldn't know what that's like, would you?" Himiko closed her eyes, making Uraraka think she had won.

She was wrong.

"No, you're right. I never had loving parents. Or a roof over my head. But after this, I don't think your parents will either. With their business going through tough times and all that. Isn't that why you became a hero? To help them? Some great help you are. How do you think they would react if they found out that their daughter was dating an amazing boy, who would've given her the world, just to hurt him by working with his childhood bully. I think they would be disappointed in you, just like everyone else!"

Before anyone could blink Himiko had ran behind Uraraka, kicking her to the ground. Uraraka shot back up throwing a punch at connected to Himiko's ribs. She jumped back, waiting for Uraraka to rush at her. She didn't have to wait long as the girl came charging in on her. At the last moment, Himiko jumped in the air, doing a flip over Uraraka. As soon as she landed, she grabbed Uraraka from behind and suplexes her into the ground. A cloud of dust forms and Himiko walks out.

"God I hate white bitches." Himiko pulled out the red capsule and walks away

Uraraka spits out dirt as she got back up to rush the blond, only to see no one there. "Where are you? You scared to finish this fight? You talk but that's all you can do, isn't it? You have no worth to anyone!"

"Jeez, shut up. I've heard this story over and over again." From around the corner walked a morphing form of a human. Ochako watched as the form became non-other than Izuku Midoriya. "So, anything else you wanna say other than 'You have no worth to anyone' because we have both heard that all our lives."

"Both?" Uraraka stared. She was confused. Was she fighting Izuku or Himiko? "Oh don't act surprised. We aren't all that different from each other. Izuku was bullied for not having a quirk. I was bullied for having a 'Villains' quirk. In reality, there is only one difference between us." Uraraka stared at the face of her former boyfriend, rage slowly overtaking her once more.

"That's nice sweetly but I didn't ask for your sob story. And you and Midoriya are nothing alike, because he never became a villain!" Uraraka rushed Himiko with speed she had not expected and pinned her to the ground, pulling her arm back trying to break it. Himiko grimaced.

"It's not just my story, it's our story. And he didn't become a villain because he had the support of his family. And I wanted it too! I wanted to have what he did, I wanted to be like him... I wanted to be him! I wanted to know what it was like to be a boy who was put through the same trials as me, but ended up coming out on top with a smile because of the support of someone who loves him."

Before anyone could tell what was happening, Izuku and Aizawa noticed the wind start to swirl around the girl. Aizawa gasped. "Problem child... you didn't." He looked at the boy next to him with a look of disbelief.

"You're right sir, I didn't. I think she just awakened her quirk." The two turned back to the fight curious of what would happen next.

"Then I saw you. Someone who took advantage of that boys heart. You took a broken soul and gave it false hope just so you could see it break even more,"

wind began to pick up much more rapidly as Uraraka struggled to keep a good hold on her. Himiko looked at her enemy, a gold energy streaking around her like lightning. Class 1-A began to murmur.

"Hey isn't that..." Kirishima couldn't believe what he was seeing. Shoto spoke up "Yes it is. That is indeed Midoriya's quirk." Asui then added "That's not possible. A quirk cannot be given to someone... right?"

"It's not that I gave her my quirk. It's that she awakened hers." They looked to see Izuku Midoriya, staring intently at the fight. "Her quirk allows her to digest someone's blood to make her appearance shift into that of who's blood she drank. If she can take on their appearance, why shouldn't she be able to take on their quirk? Though I'd say it's due to the emotions she's feeling and the situation she's in."

"So your saying that she was so In touch of her feeling of wanting to "be" you that she..?" Jiro trailed off, not needing to finish her sentence as Izuku was already confirming what she had said.

Himiko POV.

Just now... I used Izuku's quirk. Standing up quickly and shoving the Ocha-hoe off of me, I look and pointed at Izuku before pointing back to me.

'Did you give it to me?'

I couldn't outright ask as no one is supposed to know. Even if we both don't like All Might, we couldn't just talk about One for all like that. It would raise too many questions. I wait for Izuku to respond, but all he does is point back at me and shake his head.

'This is all you'

Well then. I can feel the smile creeping over my face. Time to kick this whores ass.


Sooo yeah. I feel like I rushed this but it's whatvee. Also thinking about making something called "Son of evil, Hero of all."

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