Izuku vs Katsuki

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*3rd Person PoV*

Bakugo stood there, unsure of what to do. Then he fell back and howled with laughter. "You think you're going to beat me? You may be a failure of a human being but right now your humor makes up for it. I'll tell you what. I'll let you have the first punch but after you do, I'm gonna break your bones, knock that girl off of your back, and give her such a beating that no one will ever be able to recognize her."

"Oh really..?" Izuku grinned. "Himiko?" The girl turned her head. "Yeah?" Izuku took a serious tone. "Get some of the capture tape from Aizawa and tie it around my hands behind my back. Then go back to him and tell Aizawa to get the class to a safe distance"

The girl did as she was told and the class was moved. "Right... now that's over, soooo I give you 30 seconds. After that, I'm going to put you in the hospital. Got it?"

"Mr. Aizawa, you can't let him do that!" Uraraka screamed

Aisawa wasn't having any of it. "Shut your mouth you little thot! I'll let him do whatever the fuck he wants, now be quiet before I send you ass back to the thot academy where you belong." He then whispered to her. "I saw what really happened and how you got those scars. So tell me, how are Bakugo's explosions?" Uraraka turned pale and didn't say anything after that.

"Ready? Go!" Izuku activated 45% of Full Cowling as Bakugo charged at him.

"25 seconds"

Bakugo fired an explosion as Izuku simply sidestepped to dodge. Bakugo came back for a second wave. "AP SHOT!" Izuku did backflips as Bakugo tracked his movements and tried to hit him. Izuku suddenly stopped dodging and charged at Bakugo, Headbutting him.

"12 Seconds"

Bakugo was done. "HOWITZER IMPACT!" Izuku grinned as Bakugo came flying towards him. The class braced themselves for an impact. but it never came. As they opened their eyes, They saw a shocked Bakugo as Izuku had snapped his restraints and caught Bakugo's hand.

"And with that, your 30 seconds are up." Izuku pulled back his other hand, and sent a punch straight into Bakugo's stomach, making him cough blood and knocking him out. Izuku dropped his limp body to the ground and turned to the class.

"Alright, I bet you are all wondering why I did this. Well, I wanted to make something clear. You all seem to mistake my kindness for weakness and think that I can't defend myself. I wanted to make a point and prove that I am not as peaceful as you all think. As for you," He pointed to Uraraka. "Either you tell the truth, Or I let Himiko off on you."

"Izuku Midoriya, As your class rep I cannot allow your threatening of Uraraka to continue!" he looks to see Iida doing his signature hand chops and he couldn't help but laugh. Iida was someone who was neutral during this entire situation. "Alright, Iida, Ill stop. Come on Himiko, we have things to do."

She didn't move. "Let me fight her. I have a few things to say that I want to get off of my chest." He sighed knowing he couldn't stop her. "Alright fine. No weapons though."

This was going to be an interesting battle.

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