0 4 - Butterflies

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I'm like the water when your ship rolled in that night

Rough on the surface, but you cut through like a knife

-willow, Taylor Swift


That's what Hermione was.

Stupid for being so trusting. Stupid for being so naïve.

Draco's rant from yesterday, although uncalled for, was nothing but true. Why did she trust him? For all Hermione knew, Draco could have Apparated them to Malfoy Manor or someplace much worse instead of Hogsmeade. A flash of anger passed through her as she rolled over in her bed to check the time. If she was lucky, there would be a good half hour left before she had to go to the Ministry and face him. Hermione knew that it would be awkward, but Draco didn't seem to have much of a problem with the charged silence that constantly filled the space between them. He was impenetrable, an emotionless fortress. The only time the most subtle of cracks had formed had been yesterday. Clearly, his guard had been down—and Draco didn't appear to be interested in letting her in again any time soon. If only he was easier to read, easier to befriend. Hermione climbed out of bed with a sigh, eager to escape her thoughts.

"You look terrible," Ginny greeted her as she slid freshly made pancakes onto two plates.

"Thanks, Gin," Hermione replied dryly. She joined Ginny at the table, eagerly digging into the hot meal.

"It's Draco, isn't it?" Ginny asked, a knowing smile on her lips. "What did ferret boy do now?"

"Don't call him that," Hermione scolded jokingly. "But yes. He took me to lunch and was such a gentleman—"

"He took you on a date?" Ginny shrieked. "How convenient that you forgot to mention that to me! What was it like? What happened?"

"It was not a date, Ginny. It was a purely professional business lunch. We were both hungry and happened to be together, so we ate together. That's it," she replied indignantly.

"Come on, I know better than to believe that. He must like you back—you're not exactly the best at hiding your feelings," Ginny smiled knowingly as she speared a piece of pancake on her fork.

"Well, before you interrupted me, I was going to say that Draco completely lost it when we got back from Hogsmeade. It was like he just realized what he had just done, and needed to deny the fact that he had a slightly pleasant time with me by lashing out," Hermione admitted, worriedly playing with the red butterfly charm that hung from her favorite necklace. "But I just wished he would put more effort into at least being civil to me. We were making progress, and then..." she trailed off helplessly.

But Ginny had a cunning look on her face. Hermione knew that the other girl was probably plotting something that would result in her and Draco becoming more than friends, and she wouldn't have any of it.

Instead of enlightening Hermione on her latest scheme, Ginny slid the latest issue of the Daily Prophet across the table.

"I wonder what your lunch date will think of that," Ginny grinned as Hermione snatched up the paper and began to read.

Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger - Enemies or Power Couple?

By Rita Skeeter

This is the question that has been running through the heads of many after the unlikely pair were spotted by none other than your favorite reporter at Hogsmeade's fish and chips shop, a restaurant popular among couples.

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