2 2 - Always

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He touched me and it felt as if the stars were dancing across my skin.

-Porcelain Skin, Josh Wilbanks

"They have Aurelia."

The three words were enough to turn Draco's world upside down. The fact that Goyle had abducted a perfectly capable witch under her father's nose and was holding her hostage in exchange for Ganders' loyalty only added to his knowledge of how dangerous his ex-friend was.

"And I can help you get her back if you put down your wand," Draco said calmly. If Goyle was threatening Ganders with his daughter's safety, the easiest path to freeing himself would be offering Aurelia a safe trip home from wherever she was being held.

"They said they'll kill her if you try to free her," Ganders replied as more tears tracked their way down his face. His wand was resting squarely on Draco's chest and the presence of Draco's own wand seemed to burn a hole in his pocket.

"They?" Draco swallowed, mouth suddenly dry. If Goyle had someone else working with him, it would be much harder to take them down. He needed to escape and then get back to the office, fetch Hermione for the rescue mission.

"There were two men," the other wizard explained shakily. "With hoods, so I couldn't see their faces."

"Was there anything else that would help to identify them?" Draco asked, mind racing. Ganders merely shook his head, jabbing his wand more firmly into Draco's chest. He barely registered the discomfort as he pondered the question: who was helping Goyle? All the other Death Eaters were locked up in Azkaban; it couldn't be any of Voldemort's followers who were of age. The only wizard he could think of was Crabbe—he was the only one besides Draco with whom Goyle had associated during their time at Hogwarts.

But that was impossible. Crabbe had died at the Battle of Hogwarts, devoured by the unstoppable flames of Fiendfyre. It would have taken nothing short of a miracle to save him.

All that Draco knew was that regardless of the identity of Goyle's mystery partner-in-crime, he knew that he had to get to Hermione. Escaping from Ganders wouldn't be hard—the man was past his prime, and against an agile young man like himself, the other wizard would have no chance. It had been an oversight on Goyle's part to think that Ganders would be able to hold him for more than a few minutes. A plan formed in Draco's mind and before Ganders could react, he was on the move.

Draco whipped out his wand and whirled away from Ganders in one fluid motion. Ignoring the other man's shout of surprise, Draco uttered the simple spell that had no doubt saved countless others from danger. "Expelliarmius!" The wand that had been previously pointed at his chest flew into his spare hand and he gripped it tightly.

"Draco, please," Ganders begged, holding up his hands in defeat. "I just want my daughter to be safe."

"You're a good man," Draco said regretfully. "I hate to take your wand, but I can't have you stopping me again. I promise I'll find Aurelia and bring her back unharmed as long as you promise to never threaten me or anyone I love ever again." His mind flashed to Hermione, Narcissa, Blaise.

"I swear on my life," Ganders said solemnly. Draco nodded once sharply and Disapparated to the Ministry.

He reappeared in the main hall where the Floo fireplaces were located; the Ministry had paused Apparating directly into offices as a safety measure. Draco found it ridiculous but had to comply, so he rushed towards the lift to get back to Hermione and tell her about the latest developments in the case. Goyle had a partner which made the mission twice as dangerous and the conniving pair had captured Aurelia—vital pieces of information that she had to be filled in one at once.

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